Are You Ready For The Mars-Uranus-North Node Conjunction? Here's What To Know

Every once in a while, there's an extra significant astrological alignment that makes big waves for all of us here on Earth. And this weekend, we've got one coming, as Mars, Uranus, and the north node form a conjunction in the sky above. Here's why this is so significant, plus how to work with this powerful energy, according to an astrologer.
What to expect from the Mars-Uranus-north node conjunction:
Mars is the planet of action, Uranus is all about new possibilities, and the north node relates to karma and destiny. Put it all together, and we've got one major astrological event on the horizon, reaching its point of closest conjunction (and peak impact) on Sunday, July 31.
As holistic psychiatrist and astrologer Kayse Budd, M.D., explains to mbg, "The Mars-Uranus-north node conjunction creates a time of heightened energy, intensity, impulsivity, initiative, enthusiasm, inspiration, and instability." She notes that it's creating a great potential for change, and we may feel a strong push to get started on something. There's also a strong possibility of accidents, disasters, and even violence, at this time.
"Because this conjunction is in Taurus, themes of finances, land, houses, clothing, gold, jewelry, and other possessions are relevant," Budd explains. Other Taurean themes such as the body and senses in general, could come into play, such as wanting to change up your appearance, she adds.
"When planets conjunct the north node, their impact is strengthened. Whatever results have a possible karmic importance—thus, changes and initiations that happen during this conjunction are likely moving a soul (or society) forward in some way," Budd tells mbg.
And just as an FYI, this isn't a "one-day-only" event. While the conjunction will peak on the 31st, Budd notes that the first waves of this energy could be felt around July 22, and will continue on into early August. "It finds a second, more emotionally active peak on August 5 due to the moon's opposition of the conjunction that day and begins to fade from there," she adds.
How to work with this energy.
It's important to note that some people may feel the effects of this conjunction more than others. Budd tells mbg that the house location of this conjunction in your birth chart will give some clues as to how it may manifest.
In particular, people with notable planets in Scorpio (which is opposite the conjunction), Taurus (conjunct the conjunction), Leo (squaring the conjunction), Aries (whose ruler Mars is involved), or Aquarius (squared the conjunction and whose ruler Uranus is involved) may feel "a significant influx of energies related to this potent and incendiary conjunction," she says.
No matter your sign, though, we can all work with this conjunction by trying to harness its energy for positive change, action, and self-assertion in the direction of our goals. "Mars and Uranus together encourage confrontation, especially in the headstrong sign of Taurus. Confrontations are generally not too pleasant, but they definitely can get us unstuck, move us forward, and ultimately, help us transform," Budd explains.
It's also a great time to make changes to your business, modernize the way you make money, advertise, and/or otherwise assert yourself with the spirit of growth, she tells mbg, adding, "Be mindful about extra spending or impulse spending, though for some, this configuration could provide the impetus for finally pulling the trigger on something of great value or that has been worked toward/saved for."
The takeaway.
The bottom line is, a conjunction like this doesn't happen every day, and you may very well feel the urge to totally revolutionize some aspect of your life—and particularly aspects that relate to Taurean themes like money, your home, and your body. In any case, consider the wind at your back right now. The energy is strong and yours for the taking—all you have to do is seize it.