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Here's Your Horoscope For March's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Virgo

Sarah Regan
March 10, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Full Moon in Gemini
Image by mbg creative x Alba Vitta / Stocksy
March 10, 2025

March's full moon is right around the corner, and since we're in Pisces season, this full moon will be in Pisces' opposite sign, Virgo. It will also be a total lunar eclipse, and with the astrological new year just a couple of weeks away, this happens to be the last full moon of the astrological year.

It's set to peak on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 2:55 a.m. EDT, but depending on your sign, we each have something different to expect. Here's what to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.


How is your self-care looking lately, Aries? As this Virgo full moon lunar eclipse amplifies your sixth house of habits and daily routines, it could be time to revamp your rituals. And considering eclipses can reveal things that need to change, the focus right now is on realizing which habits are holding you back.

This is a time for you to get clear on the ways you're neglecting yourself—the eclipse will make sure of that. It's not always easy, but the realizations you have under this full moon could help you make big (and positive) adjustments in your routine.


With the full moon lunar eclipse landing in your fifth house of creativity, expression, and joy, Taurus, this is a powerful time for you to home in on your creative process. Not only that, but you'll also be letting go of the things blocking that creativity.

With the eclipse at play, the effects of this moon will be amplified. You might have realizations around what's holding you back from embracing your creativity, and with it being Pisces season, this is a great chance for you to lean into your dreams, connect with joy, and stop stifling yourself.


Prepare for some shakeups on the home front, Gemini. This full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo will be spotlighting your fourth house of home and family, so it might cause some emotional turbulence in your living quarters.

Virgo asks us to find what needs improvement and make those improvements, and with the eclipse heightening the energy of this moon, issues in your home might become impossible to ignore. This can result in shifting dynamics with family, roommates, or your partner or even deciding to move to a new place altogether.


What needs to be said right now, Cancer? You might find it hard to hold back, with this full moon lunar eclipse landing in your third house of communication and local networks—just remember, Venus is retrograde, and we're in the early shadow period of Mercury retrograde, which begins the day after this full moon.

Say what needs to be said, but do try to remain sensitive and grounded. Full moons and lunar eclipses are about letting go, so if nothing else, you might have some realizations around blocks that keep you from speaking your truth. Additionally, others may come to you with things they need to get off their chest.


Money on your mind, Leo? With the full moon lighting up your second house of possessions and finances, it might be time to do some budgeting. At the very least, this is a good time to evaluate your financial status and take precautionary steps where needed.

After all, you are someone who likes to live lavishly, but Virgo encourages us all to be a bit more careful. Eclipses can bring up unexpected surprises as well, so be extra discerning if you're considering a big purchase. Venus (which is currently retrograde) impacts our finances, so your best bet is to wait until it goes direct (April 12) before making any big money moves.


With this full moon lunar eclipse in your sign, Virgo, it's lighting up your first house of self and identity. You've made it halfway through the year since your birthday, so this is like the ultimate checkpoint energy for you to assess how far you've come—and where you're going.

With the eclipse at play, be prepared for a dose (or two) of hard-to-swallow pills, but know that the things coming up under this moon are getting aired out so you can move forward. Eclipse energy is not easy, especially when it's in your sign, so this is a time to trust yourself and the universe with your larger path in life.


This could be a heavy yet healing full moon lunar eclipse for you, Libra, as it lands in your 12th house of endings and the subconscious. In other words, this is a time for you to go slow—and go inward.

You'll be looking at your deeper patterns, fears, limiting beliefs, and illusions, whether you want to or not. The eclipse will force you to look at them, and Virgo's influence will amp up your desire to improve. Remember to take it easy on yourself, and trust that these things are coming up in order to be let go.


You're being encouraged into the spotlight of this full moon lunar eclipse, Scorpio, as it moves through your 11th house of networks, humanitarianism, and larger community. You tend to be more on the mysterious side, of course, but this eclipse is challenging you to let yourself be seen so you can show up in the ways you're needed.

It's not always easy to put yourself out there, but Virgo is a sign of selfless service, and you'll feel that influence now. You know as well as anyone that community is essential, so this moon is removing the blocks that allow to you engage with yours.


With this Virgo full moon lunar eclipse spotlighting your 10th house of public image and career, Sagittarius, it's time to get clear on your professional goals. What is it that you really want from your career right now? What haven't you accomplished yet that you want to accomplish? These are the questions to ask yourself now.

It's also possible, with the influence of the eclipse, that you could run up against some unexpected changes or endings within your workplace. Expect the unexpected, and trust that whatever happens is meant to encourage you on your professional path.


Where can you create room for yourself to grow, evolve, and expand, Capricorn? With this full moon lunar eclipse amplifying your ninth house of travel and higher learning, you might be itching to push some boundaries, including your own. Of course, with the influence of the eclipse, you might also run into the very hurdles that hold you back from doing so.

If that's the case, trust that these challenges are portals to positive change. You tend to be a sign that can get "stuck in your ways," so to speak, so be open to expanding your vision of yourself and the future.


This will be a transformative and impactful full moon lunar eclipse for you, Aquarius, as it lights up your eighth house of rebirth, transformation, and intimacy. As the house associated with Scorpio, the eighth house is not only emotionally deep but also deals with close bonds—definitely foreign territory for airy, aloof Aquarius.

The energy of this moon is encouraging you to look at your own vulnerabilities and how you might be holding yourself back, especially in terms of intimate connections with yourself and others. Don't be afraid to open up a bit more than your normally would under these moonbeams, and further, look closer at any resistance around opening up that may come up.


Your closest partnerships could feel like they're under a microscope right now, Pisces, as this full moon lunar eclipse highlights your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitments. And with eclipses amplifying endings and letting go, you could be in for some changes in your relationship life.

Whether you're feeling challenged to shift or let go entirely of relationships that aren't allowing you to grow in the way that you'd like to grow, this is a time to be true to yourself. Speak up for yourself about what's not working, and don't be afraid to ask for what you need.

The takeaway

The Virgo full moon each year serves as an annual reality check for our habits and routines, which impact virtually every aspect of our life. This time around, the eclipse is turning it up a notch, bringing with it unexpected surprises and dramatic shifts.

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