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These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Going To Feel The Effects Of This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Sarah Regan
March 11, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Lucas Ottone / Stocksy
March 11, 2025

With the spring equinox arriving next week, the Astrological New Year is almost upon us. But first, we have a full moon total lunar eclipse in Virgo this Friday, March 14, 2025, at 2:55 a.m. EDT.

Depending on your zodiac sign, you each have something different to expect—but these three signs are going to feel the effects of this full moon the most.

P.S.: Be sure to check your sun, moon, and rising sign.



With the full moon lunar eclipse in your sign, Virgo, you're sure to feel its effects the most. It will be moving through your first house, which is the house of the zodiac wheel that deals with identity and self-image.

The first house also deals with new beginnings, but full moons are a time of releasing and letting go. Lunar eclipses amplify the need to release, so the question to ask yourself under this eclipse is, What needs to be let go in order to make space for something new?

You've made it halfway through the year since your birthday, so this is like the ultimate checkpoint energy for you to assess how far you've come—and where you're going.



With the moon in your opposite sign, Pisces, this full moon lunar eclipse is impacting your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitments. That said, your closest relationships could be under pressure right now, with the eclipse's energy amplifying endings and letting go.

Not to mention, Venus (the planet of love) is currently retrograde, so you could be in for some changes in your relationship life—whether you're single or partnered up. You could be challenged to shift or let go entirely of relationships that aren't allowing you to grow in the way that you'd like to grow.

If you're single, this full moon lunar eclipse may shed light on the things keeping you from relationship satisfaction.



Last but not least, Gemini, this full moon total lunar eclipse will be landing in your fourth house of home, roots, and family. With this moon in fellow mutable sign Virgo, it's forming a square to your sign, which can cause some uncomfortable tension, to say the least.

With Virgo and Gemini both ruled by Mercury, you both place a high value on intellectualism and information—but this moon is asking you to soften into the energy of your home. Where can you replace cold, hard facts with sensitivity to make your home a more loving place?

Remember, Venus is currently retrograde, and eclipses are known for bringing plenty of shakeups and surprises. Be open to new possibilities in your home life, and trust that the challenges you might face at home during this time are encouraging you to make positive changes.

The takeaway

We can all expect to be impacted by this full moon, but for Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini, the energy will be impossible to ignore. All three signs will feel the push and pull this moon creates around their identity, relationships, and home life, respectively—and something will need to be released.

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