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3 Ways To Improve Your Mood With Essential Oils

Sandra Brougher
January 24, 2013
Sandra Brougher
Written by
January 24, 2013

Essential oils have been around for centuries and have always been used in the holistic medicine world. With more and more people searching for help outside of pharmaceuticals, oils have become more mainstream.

Essential oils can be very powerful at helping heal the body. Some oils are considered to be up to 60% more potent than herbs and are considered to be anti-bacterial and anti-viral. (Something we can all use this time of year when the flu is making the rounds!)

There are three types of oils sold on the market, but if you're in need of healing, look for therapeutic grade (TG) or certified pure therapeutic grade oils (CPTG).

Most oils are sold for their aromatic properties, and tend to be synthetic, with no therapeutic value whatsoever. By purchasing and using therapeutic grade oil (especially the certified kind), you ensure that you're buying pure essential oil.

There are three ways to use essential oils:

1. Aromatic: you can smell the oil directly from the bottle or place a couple of drops in the palm of the hand, rub vigorously and then take a deep breath. You can also place a few drops in a diffuser, which disperses the oils into the air. 

2. Topical: This refers to placing a few drops in strategic parts of the body. Most common are the wrist, back of the neck, base of the spine, bottom of the feet and the temples.

3. Internally: This should only be done with certified pure therapeutic grade, and then only with knowledge and care.

In a busy world, essential oils can be the cure. Try out the following scents next time you find yourself stressed or needing a pick me up.

Renewal & Energy

  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Rosemary

Relaxation & Calming

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang

Essential oils have the power to truly impact ones feelings, health and over all well-being. If you have not used oils before, use good judgment and do your homework before delving in.

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