
Mornings used to be my favorite time of day. I'd wake up early, eat a leisurely breakfast, listen to my favorite podcasts on the way to work, and arrive at my job at mindbodygreen clear-headed and ready to go. COVID has certainly changed things. Now that my mornings—like the rest of the day—are spent in quarantine, I don't enjoy them nearly as much. In fact, they kind of stress me out.
In the past year, I've tried lots of things to start the day off right: I bought coloring books and threw myself into baking projects. I tried to self-soothe with lots of meditation and a steady gratitude practice. None of it helped ease my stress in any meaningful way and I still found myself super anxious from the moment I woke up.
That's until I started taking a hemp supplement in the mornings, which is now the single most important part of my quarantine routine. Here's what my mornings look like now:
First things first: I take my hemp multi+ supplement.
I take two capsules of mbg's hemp multi+ supplement first thing in the morning to help keep anxious thoughts at bay.* Even during these high-stress times, I find that it helps me feel calm and level-headed and improves my overall mood.* The kicker about mindbodygreen's hemp supplement is that it also contains vitamin D—something I'm in desperate need of for immunity but haven't been getting a lot of since I'm spending so little time in the sun.*
I've heard from friends that it's difficult to find vitamin D supplements online and in stores right now, so I feel relieved that the recommended 1,000 IU is already in my hemp multi+. Just another way the supplement has helped put my mind at ease!*
Then, I exercise (even if it's just a quick walk outside).
I've never been an early workout person, but with this new "normal," I've been finding it necessary to move first thing in the morning. Whether I'm doing some bodyweight exercises or taking an early morning socially distanced walk, moving my body has helped to clear my head of anxious thoughts.
Finally, I set up my desk for the day.
Once I've taken my hemp multi+ and moved my body, I'm ready to slowly start getting into work mode. My apartment is my sanctuary, and I've worked really hard to make it a calm place where I can unwind. So when I first realized I'd need to work from home for the foreseeable future, I was nervous about what this would mean for my stress levels at home. Setting up a designated workstation in my living area every morning helps me keep my work life separate from my home life, even though they both play out in the same space.
I have a few side tables that I put together to create an at-home work environment. My desk at mbg's office is full of beautiful things that bring me joy, and I was able to recreate a little bit of that at home with candles, a pretty notepad, lip balms, and a tall glass of water.
I've tried not to overclutter so that at the end of the day I can easily move the side tables back to their normal spots and transform my living room back to my happy place.
With so much changing in the world around us, I've found it incredibly helpful to have a few routines that stay the same morning after morning. I may not know what the future holds, but with these stress-reducing tools, I feel more equipped to handle whatever the day throws at me.