Summer Sanders
Summer Sanders is the founder of Local Juicery in Sedona, AZ. She is a Certified Raw Food Chef, Sports Nutrition Specialist and is Certified by The National Academy of Sports Medicine as a personal trainer. After working as a raw food instructor at the Matthew Kenney Culinary Institute in Santa Monica, California, Summer decided she was ready to venture out and start her own business, an endeavor that would help educate others on the benefits of cleansing and a plant-strong diet.
Since then, Summer has worked with a wide variety of clients ranging from Hollywood celebrities to San Diego’s own Navy Seals. Summer works with all diet types and caloric needs to design meal plans and cleanses that are effective, efficient and easy to follow. She believes in cleansing from the inside out, she treats the body as a whole, looking at the mind, body and spirit.
Summer lives in Sedona, AZ with her Husband Mike and son Henry. When she’s not at Local Juicery pressing juice you’ll find her jogging with baby Henry, perusing the farmers markets, sweating it out at hot yoga or hanging with her family.
connect with Summer Sanders