Maisie Hill
Contributing writer
Maisie Hill is a women’s health expert with over a decade of experience as a practitioner and birth doula. She has completed a BSc in Chinese medicine acupuncture and has diplomas in the Arvigo techniques of Mayan abdominal therapy, reflexology, aromatherapy, and paediatric acupuncture. After undergoing extensive training in women’s health, Maisie now helps other women to discover the power of their own menstrual cycle. In 2017, Maisie created and launched the Womb Tang Clan, her signature online coaching programme to help women across the world understand their hormones and learn how to use the phases of the menstrual cycle to get what they want out of life. Maisie has spent over a decade supporting hundreds of families during the childbirth year as a birth doula. She is a facilitator on the Red Tent Birth Educator training course, and a luminary for Birdsong Brooklyn’s doula mentorship programme.
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