Lauren Roxburgh
mbg Class Instructor & Movement Contributor
Lauren Roxburgh is an author, educator, and speaker, frequently dubbed “The Body Whisperer." She is an expert on all things fascia, alignment, and movement medicine and regularly works with celebrities, athletes and orthopedic surgeons. Roxburgh has her bachelor's in nutrition and exercise physiology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and is also a certified Pilates instructor and Structural Integration practitioner. Named the "Body Alignment Pro" by Vogue, she has also been listed as one of the 8 Tech Pioneers to Watch by Entrepreneur magazine, and one of the 16 Women in Wellness to Watch in 2019 by Chalkboard Magazine. Roxburgh is also the founder of the Aligned Tribe Community, the virtual Aligned Life Studio and the creator of the signature Aligned Healing Tools.
connect with Lauren Roxburgh
What is your wellness philosophy?
My wellness philosophy is all about alignment, empowerment, and connecting with our true strength and authentic selves. Finding alignment in your physical body is the first step to aligning all the other aspects of your life, including connecting to your gifts, attracting your deepest desires and feeling like you are on your true path. So while my immediate focus is on the physical, the effect goes much deeper is far more holistic. I’ve seen this in literally hundreds of clients. People who have struggled with weight issues, stress, toxic relationships, addictions or other personal issues are often able to finally resolve these issues once their body is correctly aligned, connected and stronger and they start to feel more empowered. When we take time to really BE in our bodies, listen to our instincts and get out of our heads the magic happens, the light bulbs go off and your true inner self can start leading the way. Hence my motto: Aligned body, aligned life!
What brought you into wellness?
I discovered my path and began my own wellness journey at a young age, when my mother was diagnosed with stage five breast cancer. At the time I was a sixteen-year-old all-American swimmer with a passion for sports and fitness. Watching my mother battle cancer, I realized that the key to a long and happy life was having a more holistic approach to wellness, so I was inspired to find ways to prevent disease before it manifests in the body. Experiencing this motivated me to go on what has been a lifelong quest for knowledge and wisdom about how the body and the mind work and how to achieve the sort of overall well being we all strive for in life. It’s been a journey of over two decades during which time I studied many different modalitiesIncluding getting a degree in nutrition and exercise science, certifications in personal training, Pilates, yoga, and Structural Integration—and I went through my own wellness transformation journey. But I feel incredibly blessed to be on this journey and to be able to help so many people. Happily, I discovered it just so happens that aligning our bodies and our minds can also help us gain the most amazing aesthetic benefits to boot, which is one of the reasons this technique is getting so much attention.
What does You. We. All. mean to you?
Connection, community, love – the things that really matter. We are all in this together! But if we can all make the effort to work on ourselves, and help each other, raise our vibration, then a shift happens and the world as a whole will be a better place.
What empowers you?
What empowers me the most is emotional wellbeing, self-love and acceptance. While mantras can help it’s not just about saying it in our heads – it’s about feeling the love for self and acceptance of self in our bodies at a cellular level. That’s when we change our vibration and start connecting to what and who we truly desire. I know it sounds a bit “woo woo” but when people focus on the positive, life becomes better, you literally glow and attract more positive into your life. Even when we go through awful things in life like break-ups, losses, deaths, illnesses and betrayal we can choose how we view the experience. We can choose to be a victim or look at lesson. Ultimately, finding balance in life, letting go of the small stuff, prioritizing love, health, laughter and nurturing your body and emotional wellbeing. It’s not easy, it’s a constant journey—but it is these things that ultimately empower me. And helping others discover this and implement it in their daily lives is the added motivation I need to feel fully empowered.