Jessica Hayman, ND
Dr. Jessica Hayman is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the state of Arizona, where she currently practices and resides in beautiful Sedona. Dr. Hayman has seen how the body can heal on its own when given the best conditions for thriving. Those include: nutritional supplements, intravenous therapies, vibrant food, light, air, clean water, exercise, emotional healing, and love. She has a passion for environmental medicine and treating patients with chronic toxin exposure, which can be considered a major catalyst in many chronic disease processes. Dr. Hayman also has a great interest in Women’s Medicine, which includes the treatment of the following conditions: PMS, Menopause, PCOS, Cervical Dysplasia, HPV, as well as providing existing patients with Well Woman exams. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time in the Red Rocks with her husband Jeremy and son Bodhi who are the lights of her life. Snow skiing, hiking, cooking, traveling the world, and going to hot springs are some of the hobbies she loves.
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