Crosby Tailor
mbg Contributor
Crosby Tailor is a represented fashion model, graduated college football athlete turned biohacker, and sugar-free dessert chef. Based out of LA, Crosby has his bachelor's in business administration from California State University, Sacramento. He tried every diet fad but never felt completely balanced or satisfied. He decided to take the bits that upgraded his life from each of his favorite wellness mentors like Dave Asprey, Mark Sisson, David Wolfe, Charles Poliquin, Dr. Axe, Dr. Adamo, among many more, and specifically “Tailor” his lifestyle with what resonated best to increase his overall vibration and quality of living.
His brand, Tailord Life, is dedicated to self empowerment for the new you. He hacked the dessert world and has come up with hundreds of recipes from cookies, cupcakes, donuts, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, ice creams, and chocolates. Every recipe is boosted with superfoods and beneficial ingredients that serve a purpose for your health.
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