Chimére L. Sweeney
mbg Contributor
Chimére L. Sweeney is a retired teacher and #LongCovid activist, writer, lecturer, and filmmaker. As the
Founder of The Black Long Covid Experience, her mission has been to inspire and empower Black women
to tell their unique stories on the physical, mental, and financial effects of #LongCovid. Sweeney
wrote Dear Black Women with Long Covid, an encouraging love letter to Black women who are newly
diagnosed with #LongCovid.
Over the last four years, Sweeney has chronicled her health journey on major news platforms and higher institutions such as Columbia University and San Francisco State
Chimére attended Morgan State University, earning a BA in English/Literature Language, and was recently acclaimed for her Medium article on the racism and capitalism that perpetuates Anti-Blackness in #LongCovid and ME/CFS advocacy. After 20
years in Baltimore, she left the city to live in upstate New York with her husband, Taurean Sweeney.