Atarah Valentine

Certified Hypnotherapist

Atarah Valentine is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Embodiment Coach known for his specialized training in various modalities including Transformative Breathwork, Inner Child Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Trauma Recovery, Immune Disorders, and PTSD. With a focus on empowering individuals to embrace their true identity, Atarah has successfully developed a grounded and pragmatic approach to personal growth.

Valentine's expertise lies in utilizing cognitive techniques to disrupt negative patterns, enhance mindfulness, and reshape subconscious beliefs through hypnosis. His philosophy revolves around proactive change and self-work as a continuous learning journey rather than a “healing” process, emphasizing the wholeness of individuals and the importance of evolving past limiting beliefs to unlock personal potential.

Through one-on-one sessions and the launch of his monthly membership, My Daily Pages, Atarah provides accessible avenues for clients to foster personal growth at their own pace, ultimately guiding them towards self-discovery and empowerment.