Four targeted strains to beat bloating and support gut health.*
Specifically designed to ease bloating, aid digestion, and elevate your gut microbiome.
$69 | save 14%
"I'm energized, bloating is a problem of the past and those extra pounds are gone*"
Jason Wachob
mbg Founder and Co-CEO
The only blend in the world with this combination of 4 strains
At mindbodygreen, we developed our probiotic+ supplement to help people on their journeys to a healthy gut microbiome. probiotic+ has been developed with 4 strains that play a unique role and have been clinically shown to help ease bloating, improve digestion and support a healthy weight.*
Did you know probiotics with too many strains often deliver less benefits…that’s ironic
While it may be comforting to get the highest number of colony-forming units (CFUs), that's not always the best plan of action. To be truly effective, the strains have to be targeted, and at the right doses. Every probiotic bacteria does different things.
That's the approach we took with our probiotic+ supplement. Rather than diluting it with unnecessary strains and reducing their quantity to pixiedust-level, we carefully selected four.
So, which probiotic strains should you look for?
There are plenty of strains with many of different purposes, but we developed probiotic+ to be the only blend in the world with this unique combination of four strains:
For bloating relief and abdominal comfort*
B. LACTIS BI-07 Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to help ease bloating, promote abdominal comfort, and support healthy immune function.* 10 BILLION CFU
For maintaining a healthy weight*
B. LACTIS B420 Bifidobacterium lactis B420 is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to support the gut barrier and encourage healthy weight through reductions in caloric intake, abdominal fat mass, and waist circumference.* 10 BILLION CFU
For digestion and regularity*
B. LACTIS HN019 Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to support digestion and regularity, while reducing gas. HN019 improves average gut transit time and promotes healthy daily functions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract.* 2 BILLION CFU
For total GI function support*
L. ACIDOPHILUS NCFM Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to help with bloating, promote abdominal comfort, and support a healthy frequency of bowel movements.* 10 BILLION CFU
Our probiotic+ formula
What's in the supplement
Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to help ease bloating, promote abdominal comfort, and support healthy immune function.*
Bifidobacterium lactis B420 is a probiotic bacterial strain that is clinically shown to support the gut barrier and encourage healthy weight through reductions in caloric intake, abdominal fat mass, and waist circumference.*