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These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Likely To Feel Burnt Out

Sarah Regan
March 01, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
The Underlying Sign That You May Be Facing Mental Burnout, From A Reiki Master
Image by Ivan Ozerov / Stocksy
March 01, 2025

The 12 signs of the zodiac are each different, and that includes the different ways they tackle their workload. Some signs take a slow-and-steady approach, for instance, while others go all in and wind up getting burned out.

Of course, someone's zodiac sign can't guarantee they're prone to burnout, but the following three signs have a reputation for being all work and no play.

And P.S.: This would apply to anyone with any of the following signs as their sun, moon, or rising sign, as well as their Saturn sign, which influences our challenges and areas for growth.



The zodiac sign most prone to burnout is Capricorn. And this probably comes as no surprise, considering Capricorn is known for being the hardest working sign of them all.

That's because they're ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, challenges, responsibility, and structure. As such, Capricorns take themselves super seriously. Being successful isn't just a far-off dream for them but a must for their own fulfillment.

They'll push themselves to great lengths to finish a project, master a skill, or otherwise make a fortune—and they'll pass up on socializing and evening resting if they have to. Naturally, then, it's only a matter a time before these folks crash, only to do it all again once they've gained their strength back.



Coming in close behind Capricorn, we have meticulous and organized Virgo as the second zodiac sign most prone to burnout. Like Capricorn, Virgo is an earth sign, so they expect to see real, tangible proof of their efforts. They're also perfectionists by nature and committed to selfless service, constantly giving themselves to make everything better for everyone.

It's a noble pursuit, to be sure, but it's not one that comes without a cost. Virgo just wants to help, but they can drive themselves up a wall trying to perfect every little detail because they can't accept that perfection doesn't exist.

It's also worth mentioning that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information. So, even though they're an earth sign, they're rather heady and anxious. Burnout can be a result of their restless mind just as much as the work they do in the world.



And finally, we have Aries coming in as the third most likely to suffer from burnout. Unlike Virgo and Cap, Aries is a fire sign—but their problem is they don't know how to manage that fire.

Take the other fire signs for example: Leo knows how to control their fiery energy in a sustainable way, while Sagittarius knows how to transmute or allocate it. Aries tend to go full steam ahead on everything, which is great for getting the ball rolling and getting things "fired up" (pun intended), but then they tend to crash and burn (pun intended, again).

Whether it's the start of a new relationship, the beginning of a long workout, or the start of a new project, an Aries must remember that the most important things in life are a marathon, not a sprint. Otherwise, they get stuck in a perpetual cycle of revving up and crashing out.

The takeaway

Again, someone's zodiac sign never guarantees they'll be constantly burnt out, and every sign can certainly deal with burnout from time to time. In any case, if you've been feeling burnt out lately, understanding your sign's unique strengths, as well as challenges, can help you manage it.

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