Which Zodiac Signs Make Great Leaders? You Can Count On These 3

The 12 zodiac signs each have their strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are excellent leaders, for instance, while others are more suited to be led.
Of course, we're not guaranteeing that the following signs will definitely become leaders in their lives—or that the other signs can't—but when thinking about the quintessential energy of the signs, these three are the ones to watch.
And for what it's worth, this would apply to anyone who has these signs prominently placed in their chart (i.e., sun, moon, or rising sign, as well as their Mars sign, which rules our energy and passion):
Aries might as well have been born to lead. There's no other sign that takes pushing forward as seriously as these fiery folks. Not only are they the first sign of the astrological year (hello, self-starters!), but as the only cardinal fire sign, they have the energy and passion to follow their impulses.
And follow them they will, with these folks knowing what it takes to get people inspired, revved up, and ready for action. They do need to watch out for being too impulsive, but as long as they have a good team to work with, they can execute their ideas quickly and efficiently.
Overall, Aries folks are constantly brimming with new ideas and action plans, and they have what it takes to actualize them.
Up next we have Virgo, and while these organized folks may get a reputation for being particular and nitpicky, Virgo is also the sign of selfless devotion. And isn't that what we all want from our leaders?
For Virgo, their attention to detail and preoccupation with perfection isn't simply to annoy everyone around them; it's to bring out the fullest potential available. Virgo has a keen sense of the way things can be improved, and if they find themselves in a position of authority, they'll do whatever it takes to make things better for everyone.
With their analytical minds, adaptable skills, and genuine concern for betterment, they make excellent leaders you can trust.
Last but not least, we have diplomatic and peace-loving Libra. These folks make the kinds of leaders we all wish we had: They're caring, justice-oriented, and take everyone's perspectives into account when making decisions.
They would especially excel in leadership positions where they can act as mediators since Libras are excellent at finding compromises and playing the role of peacekeeper in times of opposition. Similarly, they can help unite different groups of people on a single issue to bring forth real change.
While they may not be the most assertive or organized, Libra is a cardinal sign, like Aries, which means they have tons of ideas that would benefit everyone.
The takeaway
We'll say it again: There's no guarantee that these three signs will end up as leaders—just that they're the most likely to. When we think about the archetypal energy of each zodiac sign, all three have the astrological makeup to make excellent bosses, managers, and even political leaders.