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2025 Astrology Forecast: The Year Of The Divine Pendulum

The AstroTwins
January 01, 2025
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Milky Way Galaxy
Image by iStock
January 01, 2025
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Back and forth we go! The planetary pendulum swings into wildly unscripted terrain in 2025, producing a brand-new story arc for humans to grapple with.

We’re not just talking about a garden-variety Mercury retrograde or supermoon here. The slow-moving outer planets, which shape society and larger trends, are the key players in the consciousness-shifting trajectory of 2025. 

Evolutionary Pluto has reached cruising altitude in Aquarius

Pluto is spending its first full year in this high-minded air sign, its zodiac home until 2044.

The Age of Aquarius is officially underway, disrupting every industry and bringing rapid advancements in fields like science, technology, finance, fashion, space travel and medicine.

Is there an AI chatbot for that? Bet your Bitcoin there is.

In 2025, three momentous planets—Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—will follow in icy Pluto’s wake. Each one swings forward into a new zodiac sign for a portion of the year, giving us a glimpse of what’s in store for the second half of the decade.

And whoa! The next phase of the game is gonna hit differently.

Both Saturn and Neptune depart the watery well of Pisces and launch into fiery Aries’ field

This is a big deal for Neptune, especially, which has been in its home sign of Pisces since 2011. In between these two heavenly bodies, Uranus zips into ingenious Gemini, pulling out of the Taurean trench it’s been stuck in since 2018. 

When an outer planet changes signs, humanity takes a step in a new direction. It’s been nearly 30 years since Saturn’s footprint pressed into Aries, from 1996 to 1998.

In the case of Neptune and Uranus, many of us will experience these cosmic cycles for the first time in our lives. To wit, Neptune’s last visit to Aries was from 1862 to 1875, and Uranus was in Gemini from 1941 to 1949. 

But wait! Just as we begin to process these metamorphic transitions, all three planets oscillate back to the same zodiac positions that they started the year with.

Record scratch! Was it all a dream? Not exactly. But it’s definitely a sneak peek of what’s to come. In 2026, Saturn and Neptune return for longer tours through Aries (two and 13 years, respectively), while Uranus buzzes back into Gemini for another seven years. Take notes! You’ll need them next year.


If the pendulum swing of 2025 discombobulates us, here’s where the “divine” part comes in

On January 11, the fateful lunar North Node slips into esoteric Pisces, opening the gateways to subconscious activity until July 26, 2026.

Times of uncertainty can be catalysts for developments in the arts, spirituality and healing. This year, we are invited to reach beyond our day-to-day “3D” reality for a sense of meaning, as well as some emotional relief. It’s also a Universal Year 9, a year of sacred revelations and release as we prepare for a new nine-year numerological cycle to begin in 2026. 

While we’re all processing our feelings and spiritual downloads, the karmic South Node plants in sensual, pragmatic Virgo for this same 18-month period.

There’s no ignoring our connection to Mother Earth or the impact of the climate crisis on humanity

To borrow a lyric from Pisces Chappell Roan (who was born while the nodes were in Virgo and Pisces), we’re “coming face-to-face with ‘I told you so.’”

This Pisces/Virgo “earth magick” vibe explains how a mushroom made its way onto the cover of our 2025 Horoscope book, illustrated by artist Bodil Jane. (Although the amanita muscaria is a visual beauty, it’s not one to ingest for, er, medicinal purposes.) These incredible organisms may hold the key to our survival. (Seriously!)

Renowned mycologist Paul Stamets lays out the true magic of mushrooms in his TED Talk, “6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World,” which at this writing has been viewed over 8 million times.

Spoiler alert: It’s not about a psychedelic voyage. The mycelium network—the threadlike roots of mushrooms that go deep underground and branch out across the entire planet in a fascinating community of connection—is what Stamets calls “Earth’s natural Internet.” 

Fun(gi) fact: Mushrooms hold soil together and break down nutrients that feed plants and trees, giving rise to the entire ecosystem of living things. They clean up industrial waste and eat polluted soil for lunch. They give us antibiotics to cure viral diseases. 

That’s not to dismiss their impact on another network, the neurological one. Psilocybin, the hallucinogenic chemical in certain mushroom strains, is being hailed as a groundbreaking treatment for depression, anxiety, ADHD, mood disorders and more. Microdoses of psilocybin have been touted as a way to increase sociability and creativity.

Mushrooms are also due to be hot with Big Pharma for 2025. Projections made by the Canadian drug company Optimi Health—which is licensed to produce GMP-grade psilocybin and functional mushrooms for the health and wellness markets—suggest that the legal psychedelics industry could generate over $10 billion annually by 2027. There’s gold in this mold!

Will our connection to the divine all come down to dosing? Or maybe it’s “dowsing,” the metaphysical technique of using a pendulum to answer a probing question. 

Jokes aside, we should not sleep on the magic of the simpler things, especially not in 2025

At first glance, a pendulum may appear to be little more than a weight on a string. In reality, this device packs a serious punch. 

With gravity as their guide, pendulums have been used to measure time and distance since the era of the Mesopotamians five thousand years ago.

Ancient Egyptians used a pendulum to measure and build the Great Pyramid of Giza. Galileo’s discoveries about the arc of a pendulum’s swing were fundamental to our ability to track hours, minutes, and seconds on a clock. In 1851, French physicist Léon Foucault demonstrated the Earth’s rotation using a pendulum that is now named after him. 

Even as we make our way into outer space, humans are still universally bound by gravity

In the Age of Aquarius, discovering what connects us is more important than splintering ourselves with artificial divisions. During the Year of the Divine Pendulum, our survival may depend on (finally) surrendering the myth of “rugged individualism” and embracing a new, networked way of life.

In other words, what if we become more like the living, breathing branches of mycelium sharing resources, energy and instinctive wisdom? After all, these fantastic fungi have survived for 1.3 billion years, while humans have only been around for roughly 300,000. 

Could the new arc of humanity be “As below, so above?” That certainly sounds like a swing in the right direction, even if it comes with a string attached.

Adapted with permission from The AstroTwins 2025 Yearly Horoscope.

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