All around us, there are people in every field creating the life they want to live.
It is a privilege to recognize and celebrate the good in this world, and point towards it. When we enter a dark room and flip the light switch on, the darkness disappears. I'd like to share with you, a new portfolio I created with a police officer in downtown Los Angeles.
Officer Milo is a yogi whom I have the honor of practicing with at my neighborhood studio. He takes his yoga off the mat and embodies what all police officers were originally titled — "Officers of the Peace."
My work as an artist is not about dreaming of a better world — it is about celebrating the world we have in an effort to bring as much light to it as possible, with hopes of creating a larger reality.
When I was a child, I looked up to police officers as beacons of peace and justice. Re-inspired by Officer Milo, I am a child again, sharing my vision of great cops as the embodiment of cool.
Gallery Credit: Robert Sturman Photography
Meditation At "The Love Shack"

A mural by Cryptik in Venice, Calif.
Wheel Pose Variation (Urdva Dhanurasana)

L.A.'s Disney Music Hall, Calif.
Flying With Both Arms In Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

City Hall: Downtown Los Angeles, Calif.
Crow Pose (Bakasana) at City Hall

City Hall in Downtown Los Angeles.
Camel Pose With One Arm Raised (Eka Hasta Ustrasana)

Venice, Calif.
Strong and Powerful In Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

City Hall in Downtown Los Angeles.
A Gorgeous Backbend With Hands In Prayer (Namaskar)

City Hall in Downtown Los Angeles.
Balance Is Achieved In This Handstand Variation

Downtown Los Angeles.