6 Easy Yoga Poses To Help Balance Your Chakras
Yoga is way more than just poses. Certain asanas or yoga poses stimulate different parts of your body, organs, and chakras. There are seven major chakras, all correlating to different organ systems, which regulate different functions of the body.
Each yoga pose has a purpose, and during different times of your life, you may have to work harder to strengthen certain chakras and poses. In any case, a well-rounded, regular yoga practice can help balance your chakras and ensure energy and vitality can flow freely throughout your body. Here are six poses you can do to stimulate each chakra.
For the root chakra:
Your root chakra keeps you grounded. It helps you connect to the earth and your lower energies. It’s located at the base of the spine and helps you feel safe and secure when balanced. It's also associated with most basic needs like shelter, money, and food—so when it's unbalanced, you might experience an increased risk of anxiety. That said, this chakra must be aligned before any of the other chakras can work together.
When this chakra is imbalanced, you also may have trouble letting things go, your fear may increase, you might have trouble with trust issues, and you may only worry about basic survival needs.
The yoga pose: side angle to triangle
Side-angle pose is a great way to stimulate this chakra, while triangle helps you move into it even deeper.
For the sacral chakra:
This is the second of the seven chakras. It is known as the creativity or sex chakra, and it is located right below the navel. When not aligned, this chakra is associated with menstrual disorder in females as well as sexual dysfunction. When this chakra is under-active, creativity, procreation, and taking risks might be compromised.
The yoga pose: pigeon
Pigeon pose is great for opening up the hips in general, but it really balances the lower sacral chakras at the same time.
For the solar plexus:
Located above your navel, this chakra is based on your self-worth and affects your decision-making process. Problems with this chakra include GI dysfunction, pancreas problems, kidney issues, ulcers, and abdominal pain.
When this chakra is off balance, it can also negatively affect self-esteem and result in poor decision-making.
The yoga pose: plank
Plank pose is great for stimulating this chakra. Plank stimulates the abs as well as your navel chakra, which can help improve your self-worth and self-love.
For the heart chakra:
This is the fourth chakra, located in the middle of breastbone, and is associated with unconditional love. Problems with this chakra include asthma, heart disease, and breast issues. When stimulated, it can improve the immune system and help you fight infections. When there are issues with this chakra, many people experience depression, hatred, jealousy, and anger.
The yoga pose: low lunge
This low lounge is a great pose to stimulate the heart chakra, ignite your emotions, and can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression.
For the throat chakra:
This is the fourth chakra, located where your thyroid gland exists. This chakra is associated with inner truth and your inner voice, as it regulates your thyroid, parathyroid, and your voice. Balancing this chakra is important, so you can always speak your truth and communicate appropriately.
The yoga pose: fish pose
Fish pose is a wonderful pose for helping stimulate your thyroid gland and deepen your inner voice.
For the third eye:
This chakra is located in the center in middle of your forehead. It's is associated with your sixth sense, your clairvoyance, and your inner wisdom. When imbalanced, it can affect your intuition, insight, and may cause you to become negative and paranoid.
The yoga pose: headstand
One of the best poses to regulate this chakra is headstand, but please make sure you are under a certified yoga teacher who can help you get into this pose safely. There are also many modifications and variations you can do to reap similar benefits.
For the crown chakra:
This is the last chakra, located atop the forehead. This last chakra unites you with the universe and one with the divine and your higher self. When aligned, this chakra helps you reach your spiritual development and full potential and growth. This chakra affects the pineal gland, which regulates sleep and when misaligned can cause headaches. When this chakra is out of balance, it can also affect spirituality as well as mindfulness.
The yoga pose: meditation
Meditating really stimulates this chakra. So breathe in, breathe out, and clear your mind.