Your 2023 Horoscope Is Here: What's In Store For Your Zodiac Sign?

The much-anticipated 2023 astrology forecast is in, and mbg's resident astrologers, The AstroTwins, are predicting a roller-coaster year for every member of the zodiac. Between a Pluto transit that promises to shake up systems, North and South node movements that will invite us to look within, and retrogrades galore, we'll all want to buckle in tight. Here's what the AstroTwins are predicting for your zodiac sign in the love, career, and relationship departments.

Brand new you! The first half of your 2023 Aries horoscope is all about reinventing yourself, as you kick off a new 12-year chapter of your life. Out with the old: Refresh everything from your image and style to what you do for a living. Money is a big focus in the second half of the year. You could get a nice pay bump, but be careful not to spend it all in one place. Stay open to unexpected work opportunities, possibly a job with travel or relocation.
From July 2023 onward, you’ll feel an urgent need to follow your calling. A key relationship will need to be renegotiated so you have room to “do you.” Making sacrifices for your sweetie or taking one for the team is great to a point, but not at the expense of your own dreams. Be mindful of the friends you invite into your circle this spring and summer; not all of them will have pure intentions, no matter how they advertise themselves.
Soulmate or bust? High-stakes, high-intensity loving is on deck for Rams while the karmic South Node rolls through Scorpio until July 17. On May 5, the Scorpio lunar eclipse could cement a long-term bond or break it apart (at least for this lifetime).
Whatever you decide, you won’t be at a loss for summer lovin’! Ardent Venus sashays through Leo from June 5 to October 8, serving peak romantic experiences and passionate playtime. While Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3, you could reconnect to “the one that got away” or finally sort out drama with your plus-one.
Peaceful balance is restored once the karmic lunar South Node shifts into Libra on July 17 and helps you negotiate your needs. That sweet serenity could lead you straight down the aisle before January 11, 2025.
Career & money
Get ready for prime time! Maximizer Jupiter blazes a trail through Aries until May 16 increasing your visibility. That’s not all! The destiny-driven North Node will visit Aries for the first time in nearly two decades from July 17 to January 11, 2025. Rich career opportunities are available all year, whether you’re expanding your role within an organization or entering a cutting-edge field.
Move ahead decisively, but don’t rush through formalities. Jupiter can bring overnight success but it can also sweep you into raw deals. Spend conservatively and make a budget for legal counsel if contracts are involved. Get ready for a cash influx when Jupiter heads into money-earning Taurus for a year on May 16!
Friends & family
The year is bookended by a pair of full moons in family-focused Cancer, putting cherished bonds in the spotlight. A child or an older relative may require more care, which could shift matters under your roof. Some Aries may be ready for a total relocation, which could feel both blessedly overdue and bittersweet.
With transformational Pluto weaving between dutiful Capricorn and experimental Aquarius, you’ll need to strike a balance between supporting your peeps and exploring new friendships. Get involved in groups centered around altruism and activism.

Say what? Your zodiac sign is famous for consistency, but the only constant in your 2023 is change! Repeat after us, Taurus: Change is good. And it’s lucky—especially in the second half of this year, when a fresh 12-year chapter of your life begins anew. In the first few months of 2023, push yourself to (lovingly) release people and situations that are no longer a fit. Distance yourself from draining friendships and energy vampires. Your reward? Sweet success.
If your career’s been moving at a slower pace for the past few years, get ready for professional liftoff this spring! A surprising supporter could emerge to champion your work and open doors. (Where did they come from?) Keep everything on the up and up and avoid any shortcuts or shady schemes. The temptation to gamble will be strong in 2023, but this is ultimately a marathon, not a sprint.
Love & romance:
Where’s the balance between “me” and “we”? That’s the question as the North Node hovers in Taurus until July 17. If you’ve been hyperextending yourself in relationships, rein that in. In 2023, developing your own interests makes you highly attractive—and it might be the “warning shot” your S.O. needs to step up their game. Meanwhile, the karmic South Node in Scorpio could connect you to a meant-to-be mate.
Has a relationship been rocky? The May 5 lunar eclipse delivers a critical “choose or lose” moment. If it’s all green flags, you’ll enjoy a sentimental summer while your ruler, romantic Venus, gets cozy in Leo from June 5 to October 8. Cohabitation or other home matters could be on the table, but brace for speed bumps while Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3.
Career & money:
With so much fresh-start energy swirling around, Bulls might not be sure which direction to charge in first! Not only is renegade Uranus electrifying your sign all year, but on May 16, horizon-expanding Jupiter bounds into Taurus for the first time in a decade. Comfort zone—what’s that? With the galactic gambler pouring Miracle-Gro on your life until May 25, 2024, seize any opportunity to travel, learn and experiment with new income models. You’ve already been stretching since the lunar North Node landed in Taurus on January 18, 2022.
Good news for your 2023 Taurus horoscope comes midyear! You’ll have that destiny-driven fuel in your tanks until July 17. Your dedicated exploration could bring a rich manifestation with the Taurus full moon on October 28—the final lunar eclipse in a trio that began on November 19, 2021. And as powerhouse Pluto weaves in and out of your career zone starting March 23, you’re heading back into boss mode for a fresh, 21-year cycle!
Friends & family:
Family reunion time! Your ruling star Venus sashays through Leo, showering your fourth house of kin with sentimental vibes from June 5 to October 8. Reconnect with relatives or “chosen family” to celebrate your bond. Head’s up: Venus spins retrograde from July 22 to September 3 which could throw a wrench in planning or arouse some old feuds. Try to schedule any big events before or after those dates.
With Saturn heading into your community zone for three years this March 7, you’ll be judged by the company you keep. Join an elite networking group, apply for that country club, or take on a board member position for a community organization!

What do you want to be known for, Gemini? In 2023, leadership is calling—but don’t expect to take any shortcuts. Are your skills up to par? Level up! Over the next couple years, you can establish yourself as a heavy hitter or an expert in your field, as long as you’re willing to put in the time. Need credentials or additional training? Pay the dues now and it will pay dividends later. Friends in your network can open doors, especially in the first half of the year, when your social butterfly wings will shimmer.
In the second half of your 2023 Gemini horoscope, cultivate your artistic and spiritual gifts and release what no longer serves you. You’re preparing for a new 12-year chapter in 2024. This is a time to “sort the crops” and decide what you’ll bring into the next decade-plus of your life. Stay curious and humble, as life could serve important lessons in unexpected packages.
Love & romance:
You’ll be hotter than a boiler room in early 2023, thanks to lusty Mars powering forward through Gemini from January 12 to March 25. Mingle with new crowds, swipe liberally, and experiment to your heart’s content. Twins could add some new toys to the arsenal or push the romantic envelope in exhilarating ways while bawdy Jupiter hangs out in Aries until May 16. You’ll have your hands full of admirers while Venus swings through your coquettish third house from June 5 to October 8.
Attached? Fill up the cultural calendar with playdates to keep your attention from wandering—a definite risk while Venus spins retrograde from July 22 to September 3. When the South Node settles into Libra and your fifth house of romance and fertility from July 17 to January 11, 2025, it’s peak season for attracting a soulmate or taking a big next step with your meant-to-be mate.
Career & money:
Professional growth opportunities are incoming when industrious Saturn sets up shop in Pisces and your tenth house of career on March 7. This three-year cycle is all about establishing yourself as a pro, building credibility and longevity. First step? Get a worthy goal in your crosshairs. With go-getter Mars in Gemini until March 25, you’ll have fuel in your tanks to explore different work arrangements or make a bold pitch. These leaps can move the needle, but since Saturn plays the long game, there will be dues to pay.
Stay on your grind while the South Node lingers in your industrious sixth house until July 17. This is prime time to train yourself and learn the ropes of a new system. And if you exceed expectations? The May 5 lunar eclipse could bring a job offer—even a position created especially for you!
Friends and Family:
You’re back in your social element in 2023! Get out and explore new groups while expansive Jupiter zooms through Aries and your outgoing eleventh house until May 16. Once the fateful North Node swings into Aries on July 17, you’ll be ready to fill out the official membership papers. From activism to team sports, give your varied interests airtime and watch your popularity soar. But don’t forget your oldest, dearest pals. While Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3, a reunion trip could be epic!

No more hiding in that shell, Cancer—the Crab’s out of the bag! The 2023 stars show you coming into your own, rising up as an inspiring leader and innovator.
No need to stand in the spotlight’s harsh glare (unless you want to, of course). You could lead a team to victory and shine in the role of super-connector working behind the scenes. Got a yearning to start your own business, teach, or return to school? The next couple of years support a slow-and-steady path toward these dreams.
In the second half of 2023, balancing your personal and professional pursuits could take extra negotiating. If you’re the typical caretaking Cancer, it’s time to move away from being the world’s maternal figure and start setting firm, healthy boundaries. Aim to empower, not enable. You may need to do some deep inner work, as doing so could drive up some shadowy old fears about abandonment, trust, and belonging.
Love & romance:
Soul-stirring romance is on the agenda while the South Node hovers in Scorpio and your passionate fifth house until July 17. Get proactive about creating magic by picking up tickets to shows and exhibits and planning vacations. The May 5 lunar eclipse could bring a milestone moment that’s worth sharing in a teary social media tribute. For some Cancers, it’s the love affair with yourself that feels richest this year, but don’t wall off your heart!
Pluto’s brief visit to Aquarius (March 23 to June 11) is the beginning of its 20-year trek through your sultry, spiritual eighth house. As much as you love your alone time, the urge to merge is heating up, too. A lovely, romantic summer’s in store while Venus luxuriates in Leo from June 5 to October 8. Spoil your partner (or yourself!), but watch your cash flow. Divergent financial perspectives could become a sticking point while Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3.
Career & money:
It’s a great big year for your career in your 2023 Cancer horoscope! Expansive Jupiter in Aries heats up your tenth house of success until May 16—and the March 21 solar eclipse in Aries could bring a new role. The fate-fueling North Node picks up the baton on July 17, bringing 18 months of professional growth. Exciting? Absolutely, but make space for a learning curve. The best balance? Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but don’t play it so safe that you stunt your growth.
On March 7, slow and steady Saturn heads into Pisces and your enterprising ninth house. This three-year cycle can support Cancers who want to open a business, develop online courses, or write a book. Take your time with these initiatives! A 20-year wealth-building cycle begins with Pluto’s shift into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11.
Friends & family:
So many friends, so little time! Your popularity is set to soar once boundless Jupiter heads into Taurus and your eleventh house of community this May 16. And with the lunar North Node in this zone until July 17, you’re keen to spread your wings and find kindred spirits both virtually and IRL. Family obligations could get a bit heavier after July 17 once the South Node settles into Libra. While your duty-bound sign would never shirk such responsibilities, don’t fall into the martyr role. With a bit of ingenuity, you can support your loved ones while also taking care of yourself.

Give me shelter…or give me freedom? In 2023, you’ll yearn to spread your wings, so let your adventurous Leo spirit roam free. You’ve been cultivating some big ideas, and in the second half of the year for your 2023 Leo horoscope: you might be ready to take one to prime time.
An exciting new career opportunity could be in the making, but you may need more support from loved ones to pull this off. Old issues around power, trust, and control could arise. Sort through those before leaping into any financial entanglements or binding relationships. While you’re a mighty force of nature, you can’t do other people’s emotional work for them. Instead of micromanaging, focus on your own interests. Cultivate a new hobby, start a podcast, or draft a few chapters of your memoir.
Worldly adventures are calling in this year, too. Pack your bags, whether you go solo or take your favorite plus-one along for your royal escapades.
Love & romance:
Passion without action? No, thank you! Serious Saturn plunges into Pisces on March 7, activating your eighth house of soulful sexuality and permanent bonding for three years. You want wholehearted commitment, but here’s a curveball: Your relationship needs could spin in a totally new direction, thanks to Pluto’s preview pass into Aquarius (March 23 to June 11), an evolution that will continue for 21 years. What’s a lion to do? Slow down, appreciate the moment and put one bejeweled paw in front of the other.
Love planet Venus will spend four rare months in Leo, from June 5 to October 8. During that time, you’ll have more fawning admirers than perhaps you know what to do with. Brace yourself: Venus spins retrograde from July 22 to September 3. Unresolved issues could rear up and you might get tangled up with an ex. Confusion may not dissipate until after October 8, so go easy on yourself—and everyone around you.
Career & money:
You’re on a growth trajectory in your 2023 Leo horoscope! With expansive Jupiter in Aries parked in the ivory tower of your ninth house until May 16, you could train with a master or enroll in a degree program. On July 17, the fate-fueling North Node shifts into Aries for 18 months, further stoking your quest for knowledge. Think: Global expansion, from wooing remote clients to giving the digital nomad life a whirl. Make sure your passport is up to date!
On May 16, worldly Jupiter ascends into Taurus for a year, elevating you to a prestigious new role in your career. But be careful not to take on too much debt in the process. With conservative Saturn in your investment zone for three years, pay down what you owe and park your funds in safer bets.
Friends & family:
Oh, the weight of obligation! Leos adore their pride, but with the heavy, karmic South Node stirring the pot in your fourth house of kin until July 17 (and since January 2021), family can feel like your least favorite f-word at times.
With freebird Jupiter in your independent ninth house until May 16, you’ll go crazy if you don’t carve out space for yourself to travel and explore personal passions. That might mean kids, parents, and relatives have to step up and support you for a change. Train them to fend for themselves (they can handle it) and stop saddling yourself with the role of entertainment director. When the South Node wings into Libra on July 17, you could connect to an incredible friend group—or one life-changing bestie!

How close is too close for comfort, Virgo? In 2023, you need ample personal space and tight, soulmate-level bonds. There are only so many hours in a day, and you want to spend yours on people and pursuits that enrich and transform you. View everything as an investment in 2023. Will you get a good “return” on the time, money, or energy you put in?
Focus on quality over quantity whether in relationships, work, or life experiences. While your introverted side will crave privacy, a sexy plus-one could shimmy behind those velvet Virgoan ropes to join you. Maybe you’ll jet off to a far-flung locale together, as travel is a big 2023 theme. Vacation with friends or hit a wellness retreat and start racking up those frequent flier miles.
Virgo is the sign of health. Paying attention to the mind-body-soul connection in 2023 will bring you vibrant, balanced well-being. That backache might be a sign that you need to stretch after workouts—but it could also be a sign that you need more emotional support. Read between the lines!
Love & romance:
A sex-positive year is on deck for your 2023 Virgo horoscope, which is more of a “private screening” than a public display. Expand your erotic borders while bawdy Jupiter slinks through Aries and your scintillating eighth house until May 16. Since you need both lust and trust, exploration may happen within a relationship—or in flexible agreements with clear-set boundaries. Good thing, candid Jupiter makes it easy to talk about everything from protection to fantasies to consent this year.
Simultaneously, serious Saturn moves into Pisces and your partnership zone on March 7. Relationship matters become weightier during this three-year cycle, a trend that continues once the lunar North Node heads into Aries from July 17 to January 11, 2025. Before 2023 is through, you may take on a big responsibility with a partner, like a mortgage, marriage, or a lifestyle change that impacts you both.
Career & money:
Is it a wise investment or a risky bet? Play it safe while Jupiter, the galactic gambler, rolls the dice in your big money zone (the eighth house) until May 16. Yes, “buying low” is a sound strategy in a bear market, but keep a diversified portfolio. If you’re going to purchase NFTs or a fixer-upper property, mix it up with mutual funds or other safer assets.
With Pluto heading into Aquarius for a brief preview lap from March 23 to June 11, your job interests evolve in a new direction. This powerful cycle lasts for 21 years, so no rush! But start exploring a new field. Or deepen knowledge in your chosen industry. You could slowly move into a management or leadership role. But stay on your grind! When the South Node settles into Libra from July 17 until January 11, 2025, you may have to hustle to pay the bills.
Friends & family:
Who are your truest, best-est friends, Virgo? Since the South Node moved into Scorpio on January 18, 2022, your inner circle has grown tighter. Until this cycle rounds out on July 17, let people in slowly and make sure they earn your trust. (Especially near the May 5 lunar eclipse!)
You’ll be ready to branch out again once Jupiter swings into Taurus on May 16, activating your worldly, exploratory ninth house for a year. Take a vacation with your BFFs—or travel with a group and make some new global connections. Close to home, joining a sports league or book club could be a great way to bond and make friends in your area.

Relationships are a central theme of #LibraLife and a huge focus of your 2023. Finding that all-important sweet spot between other people’s needs and your own identity will be a balancing act. You’ll crave more freedom in all of your connections—nobody’s fencing you in this year!
The most attractive feature you can cultivate in 2023, Libra? Your own identity. And while you’re busy getting excited about being you, why not pursue financial self-sufficiency as well? A regular fitness routine that targets your core and gut health will complete your total life glow-up. Gaining strength everywhere—from your body to your boundaries to your bank account—makes you feel utterly vibrant.
Many Libras have been drawn to energy medicine, sexual healing, and spiritual transformation in the past few years. You may add these to your suite of superpowers in 2023, as you learn to work with your own “life force energy.” Kundalini: rising!
Love & romance:
Partnerships are always a priority for you, Libra, but while free-spirited Jupiter roams through Aries until May 16, no one’s clipping your wings. To keep relationships from devolving into a power struggle, fill your shared calendar with active adventures. Novelty releases dopamine, which might be your primary bonding agent this year!
Meanwhile, the lunar North Node continues its tantric trek through Taurus until July 17, luring you into new erotic terrain. Get ready: Your turn-ons may evolve before your eyes, especially once Pluto dips into Aquarius and your fifth house of romance from March 23 to June 11—the beginning of a 20-year cycle. The snug vibes that warmed your heart (and other body parts) for the past fifteen years could suddenly feel like a too-tight suit.
There’s no denying your urges once the karmic South Node lands in Libra from July 17 to January 11, 2025—its first visit here since 2004-06. Developing your personal passions is the quickest way to bring sexy back…not trying to “fix” your partner or find a new one.
Career & money:
Let your money work hard for you, Libra! With the fateful lunar North Node in your eighth house of investments until July 17, learn all you can about emerging tech markets, cryptocoins, and NFTs—yes, even if the bottom seems to have dropped out on these. Libras could make a nice profit on the sale of a property, perhaps near the October 28 lunar eclipse.
But your 2023 Libra horoscope calls for you to stick to your budget and keep your sleeves rolled up. On March 7, industrious Saturn lands in Pisces, giving your sixth house of systems and efficiency a workout. Simplify your processes and you’ll see greater profits.
Friends & family:
Global Jupiter swings through Aries until May 16, so embark on an epic winter- or spring-break getaway with a BFF or visit a long-distance amie in her city. Your ruler, social Venus, rolls through your communal eleventh house from June 5 to October 8, boosting your popularity skyward. Don’t forget your ride or dies during Venus retrograde, from July 22 to September 3, which would be the perfect time for a reunion.
With Pluto finishing its tour through your family zone, you may need to support a relative who is aging or going through tough times. Playing caregiver? Make sure you have enough support for yourself during the process.

Ready to turn your power back on? In 2022, many Scorpios went underground, and even felt invisible. While your mysterious sign likes to keep people guessing, this felt beyond your control—and it was. Good news for your 2023 Scorpio horoscope: In July 2023, you can emerge from this karmic cocoon, hopefully with stronger relationships and vibrant good health. Let’s show the world what they’ve been missing!
But before you leap into the spotlight, make sure your game is tight. Polish your presentation and tweak your talents to compete in the modern marketplace. (Training from a pro-level mentor or expert is advised.) Relationships could turn super-serious in 2023. Is it time to make this one official? The second half of the year sets the stage for that. Just don’t forget to have fun, Scorpio—a little lightness goes a long way.
In the spring, you may start gently snipping the cords with family, or transitioning into a more adult relationship with your clan. You can still maintain close bonds while setting boundaries that allow you (and them) to express your individuality. The ties that bind need not constrict! Your home also becomes a “manifestation station” so clear the clutter and create a space that attracts abundance.
Love & romance:
Serious relationships are a Scorpio’s jam but with weighty Saturn plunking down in Pisces on March 7, be careful that they don’t get so heavy that you forget the romantic parts! During this three-year Saturn cycle, you’re tasked with making magic, one conscious action at a time. That will be easy starting May 16, when adventurous Jupiter soars into Taurus and your coupled-up seventh house. Not only does this bring some breathing room to your bonds, but it might open your mind to new arrangements: long-distance, cross-cultural, LAT (living apart together).
If you’re a solo Scorpio, get yourself back into a seductive headspace so that you’re in the right “vibration” to attract amour. Start by moving your body and planting yourself in social situations where you can make friends who know someone they can fix you up with! If you’re on the fence about a union, you could hit the make-it-or-break-it point by the October 28 lunar eclipse.
Career & money:
Enterprising Jupiter zips through Aries, pouring high-octane fuel into your industrious sixth house. You won’t even mind the grind if you’re learning new things. With the karmic South Node in Scorpio until July 17, keep hustling quietly to monetize your passions or doing something that feels like “soul work.”
A breakthrough result could arrive near the May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse! And once the destiny-fueling North Node heads into Aries on July 17, you’ll have 18 months of accelerated professional growth. Network like it was your side gig from June 5 to October 8, while enchanting Venus struts through your elite tenth house. The VIPs could get behind your vision. A past colleague could go to bat for you while Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3. Reconnect!
Friends & family:
Friendships are going through a transition this year, as your ruler, Pluto, makes its first sign change since 2008, moving from Capricorn and your outgoing third house to Aquarius and your intimate fourth. While this transit only lasts from March 23 to June 11, it’s the warm-up for a 20-year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius that kicks off again next year. Close relationships have always been your style, but this year, you could form a solid inner circle and build a stronger support network than you’ve had in a while.

You’re falling in love again, Sagittarius—and this year, it’s with your life! While your 2023 Sagittarius horoscope stars will be happy to offer romantic escapades and high-octane fun, the main event is happening on any stage you strut across. Got a gift to share with the world?
The first half of the year holds special promise for increased visibility, perhaps with a global audience. A long-distance attraction could also heat up. Taking care of your body is also a huge new hotspot, as the stars reward your efforts to eat green, clean, and lean. Transform yourself from the inside out by reducing stress and shifting your mindset—then go break a sweat with an endorphin-pumping workout (epic playlist required!).
Your home life turns serious and structured for the next couple years. You could buy or sell property, or care for a relative in need, such as an aging parent or a child who requires more attention. Over the past decade, your fluctuating finances have taught you huge lessons and revealed limiting beliefs. Ready to graduate from “feast or famine” into power and prosperity? A sneak preview of this new chapter arrives in the spring and summer.
Love & romance:
A romantic renaissance or reckoning? 2023 is sure to bring both. You’ll have your hands full of admirers while your ruler, bountiful Jupiter, rolls through Aries and your fifth house of amour until May 16. During this heavenly high season, squeeze as many playdates on the calendar as you can. Proposals, weddings, or babymaking could be on deck for Archers through mid-May, or perhaps a renewed relationship chapter that feels like a second (or third) honeymoon.
Venus goes on an extended tour through Leo and your global ninth house from June 5 to October 8 making summer ideal for a baecation or a long-distance romance. But be warned! While Venus spins retrograde from July 22 to September 3 you could rebel against anything that feels challenging or restrictive. The truth could get slippery then. Don’t make promises you can’t keep—or change your entire life based on a charmer’s sweet nothings!
Career & money:
Lights, camera, Sagittarius! A long red carpet rolls out for Archers in 2023 starting with Jupiter’s strut through Aries and your fifth house of fame until May 16. Don’t miss this prime opportunity to increase your reach, whether you’re delighting fans with live TikToks or getting your research published in a journal. When Jupiter settles into Taurus on May 16, it’s all systems go—provided you have solid processes in place. Simplify and streamline your workflow so it’s easy to step out and shine without having to manage the same mundane matters over and over again.
The North Node heads into Aries on July 17, sending up another call from the cosmos to stretch out of your comfort zone and into the public eye. Keep a sensible budget in place. With restrictive Pluto weaving in and out of your money zone this year, stability is as important as visibility this year!
Friends & family:
Family duty calls! Not exactly the clarion call your indie-spirited sign loves to hear, but with Saturn dropping anchor in Pisces and your fourth house of roots this March 7, you’re heading into a three-year cycle of increased responsibility. A child, parent, or beloved friend may need extra support. Conversely, you may need to lean on a relative a little more than you’d prefer. Your home situation may change or settle down after a period of uncertainty. Thankfully, friends will be there to hit the town when you need some fun! The Libra solar eclipse on October 14 could usher you into an exciting new group or elite organization!

Your 2023 Capricorn horoscope calls for your long reinvention tour to be nearly complete! Since 2008, your sign has been going through a slow but intense inside-out transformation. In spring and summer 2023, you’ll get a sneak peek of what life will feel like on the other side, as you emerge with new levels of power and influence!
You may start putting your money where your morals are, and long to make a greater impact with your work. On a personal note, your home is a hub of activity all of 2023, and possibly the site of your next genius innovation! Family ties, especially with female relatives, can reach healthy new levels of honesty. You might hunt for a home or upgrade your current abode.
In the second half of the year, love takes top billing as a romantic renaissance sweeps in. This is also a prime period for fame, so get yourself camera-ready. The company you keep is crucial now. Preserve those cherished lifelong bonds, but start moving in some new, established circles where you can meet industry colleagues who will open doors. For the next couple years, it really is about “who you know.” Bring your generosity to the party, and foster a genuine network that helps each other thrive.
Love & romance:
Keep on stretching, Capricorn! The destiny-driven North Node lingers in Taurus and your romance house until July 17, bringing nonstop insights about dating and relating. Once lucky Jupiter arrives in Taurus on May 16, you’ll be Cupid’s darling—and ready to cash in on all your self-discovery work. Single Sea Goats might mesh with someone from another culture or spark up a long-distance love affair.
No matter what, your 2023 Capricorn horoscope brings on decadence, pleasure, and playtime. A sexy summer is in store as Venus simmers in Leo and your intensely seductive eighth house from June 5 to October 8. Schedule any “state of our union” conversations before Venus turns retrograde from July 22 to September 3—a time that could spin up jealousy and lovers’ quarrels. If you’re ready for that next big step, this Venus-in-Leo cycle gives you the courage to leap.
Career & money:
Switch it up! Powerhouse Pluto, which has been touring Capricorn and your self-authorized first house since 2008, darts into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11, beginning a 20-year cycle that could evolve your approach to work and money. Capricorns who have been paying your dues could soon cash in on a venture.
Do you need more consistency with your income or time to yourself? You may give up some “excitement” for the ease of a steady paycheck. When the karmic South Node slips into Libra on July 17, it begins an 18-month trek through your leadership zone. Duty calls, but that crown will get heavy if you don’t delegate. You’ll connect to all kinds of power players while convivial Venus launches a charm offensive in your eighth house from June 5 to October 8. If you want to secure funding or a loan, you’re in luck—but vet people carefully and negotiate favorable terms, especially while Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 5.
Friends & family:
Family time is always important to your devoted sign, whether with blood relatives or your esteemed “chosen family.” And with both Jupiter and the destiny-driven North Node visiting Aries and your house of kin this year, you may go out of your way to connect to your inner circle. (Time to take that trip to your ancestral homeland!)
Get involved in activism while the South Node’s in Scorpio and your community zone until July 17. With serious Saturn in your BFF sector starting March 7, you may outgrow certain people, but never fear! A new friend circle will form quickly, especially if you get involved in local activities.

Let freedom ring! If life has moved at the speed of molasses for the past couple years, get ready for a 180-degree pirouette with your 2023 Aquarius horoscope! Also, be a tiny bit careful about what you wish for…Starting in March 2023, transformational experiences will be coming by the hour!
New friendships, invitations, and even job offers could come in. Whether you accept them or not, take it as an affirmative sign that you’ve done some tough personal growth work. In 2023, you’re ready to reap the hard-earned rewards! Your trailblazing ideas could make you a popular leader in these times, so turn up the volume on your unique personality and quirky concepts. You could gain a fast following!
Nonetheless, be careful who you share the reins of power with this spring and summer. You may still be getting your self-confidence “sea legs,” and a flattering or manipulative person could slip into the inner sanctum unnoticed. Home and family, particularly female relatives, are big focal points in the second half of 2023.
Love & romance:
Passion is already percolating as the ball drops on 2023, and when white-hot Mars ends its retrograde on January 12, you’ll be Aquarius Untamed! Enjoy this thermostat-raising mojo while Mars zips through your fifth house of show-stopping amour until March 25. Dating could be your favorite winter sport; then get ready for a summer of love! Venus takes a long, sultry sashay through Leo and your relationship house from June 5 to October 8.
If you’re serious about someone—or need to renegotiate the terms of engagement—the diplomatic, enchanting love planet has your back. Longing for the one that got away? Venus retrograde from July 22 to September 3 could bring a much-awaited reunion or the closure you need to finally move on. Pro tip for the happily hitched: Save up for a luxury baecation to take before the year is through.
Career & money:
Make it rain, Aquarius! On March 7, your co-ruler, industrious Saturn, heads into Pisces, beginning a three-year tour through your income zone. This is double cause for celebration since it means that you’re also kissing the ringed taskmaster goodbye. Saturn’s been in Aquarius since March 21, 2020, putting you through your paces since the pandemic began. As you graduate from cosmic boot camp (not to host Saturn again for 29.5 years!) you are ready to establish your expertise and increase your earnings.
But just as you’re settling into a groove, transformational Pluto darts into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11—the warm-up lap of its 21-year circuit through your sign. Don’t get so comfortable that you wind up stuck in a rut! Pluto draws out your competitive nature and makes you a shrewd investor. Go beyond 9-5 thinking: money could flow in from property, inventions, and even inheritances over the next two decades. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 may bring a plum offer from on high!
Friends & family:
Your social circle swells to exciting proportions in 2023—and what a colorful crew you’ll assemble! Thought leaders, artists, and garden variety unicorns will populate the Aquarius entourage as live-out-loud Jupiter and the North Node move through your outgoing third house. When global Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, it spends a year in your house of roots. Reconnect to long-distance relatives and plan an epic family vacation in the second half of the year.
The October 28 lunar eclipse could bring some heart-opening moments, but may also demand that you set boundaries with people in your inner circle who are draining you with their dependence.

Talk about coming into your own! The past two years have kicked off massive personal growth for you, Pisces, as you’ve explored new pathways and desires. For your 2023 Pisces horoscope: It’s time to put these discoveries into concrete form!
An indie business, a new home, a fresh start? You’ll break ground in March 2023, and over the next two years, rise into new levels of leadership and self-reliance. In the meantime, there’s money to be made, and you can earn a great living doing what you love this year. Pursue your passions while patiently cultivating your sense of self-worth. A secure partner in business or love (maybe both) could stand out from the crowd. New friendships and kindred spirit connections can pop up in the second half of 2023. Branch out!
Love & romance:
“Love without limits” might be the Pisces preference, but as boundary-hound Saturn settles into your sign on March 7, you’ll be singing a different tune. The ringed taskmaster hasn’t visited you since 1994-96, so this is a new groove! During this three-year cycle, everything must be weighed, measured, and meted out wisely, including your affections. Keep your heart open, but embrace Saturn’s lessons of discernment and energy conservation.
The biggest hurdle? Facing down people-pleasing (and codependency) and learning to say “no” to the ones you love. Venus brings another boost in the healthy relationships department from June 5 to October 8, taking an extended tour through Leo and your mindful, revitalizing sixth house. Prep yourself! Venus will be retrograde from July 22 to September 3, a time when clear relationship rules are a must.
When the karmic South Node swings into Libra from July 17 to January 11, 2025, you’ll be ready to deepen a special bond—while also sorting through a few demons like negative thinking, fear, and jealousy. It’s gonna be intense—but also damn sexy!
Career & money:
Boot camp starts March 7! The call of duty will be impossible to ignore as heavy-hitting Saturn plants its flag in Pisces for three years. When the lean, mean taskmaster planet visits your sign every 29.5 years, it tests your endurance and forces you to pay dues. But there is a reward ahead. Saturn is the planet of excellence and mastery and your hustle builds muscle.
Put your focus on a clear goal and humbly forge ahead. Earnings could increase while abundant Jupiter tours your money zone (Aries) until May 16. And after July 17, the Libra South Node helps you stabilize with investments, from real estate to digital assets. Cooperative ventures could spark up mid-year—and while these deals may be short-term, they’re bound to be profitable.
Friends & family:
Branch out socially and discover new aspects of yourself! While the lunar North Node buzzes through Taurus and your outgoing third house until July 17, you may prefer to be a “floating fish” who mingles freely without getting caught in anyone’s net.
And once free-spirited Jupiter jumps into Taurus for a year on May 16, you won’t abide by any restrictive affiliations. But don’t miss the opportunity to develop a few enriching connections, especially with people in the local area. If there were ever a year to get a social club membership, this is it, Pisces. That way you can “bump into” familiar folks without getting roped into rigid plans.
Adapted with permission from The AstroTwins 2023 Yearly Horoscope.