What This Year's Winter Solstice Means For All 12 Zodiac Signs

We're officially coming up on the longest night of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere. But as the winter solstice and Capricorn season arrive on December 21, so too does the return of the light, with the nights getting shorter and days longer from now until the summer solstice.
The winter solstice, then, is a time for reflection, stillness, and preparation for the winter season ahead—but depending on your zodiac sign, we all have something different in store.
Aries: You're feeling adventurous & inspired
As psychic Inbaal Honigman tells mindbodygreen, Aries, the winter solstice is an extreme moment of the year with the shortest day and the longest night. "You quite like extremes, so you'll enjoy that. There's an adventurous side to you that wants to stay up all night, just to experience how long this long night is," Honigman says.
Your ruling planet, passionate Mars, is in powerful Leo on solstice night and beyond, she adds, so this could push you to do something huge. "You could be inspired to write a book, organize a trip with your cousins, or invest in a new startup, all on the night of the solstice," she notes.
Taurus: Keep cozy & jot down your ideas for 2025
You love keeping cozy, Taurus, so Honigman says the coldest, darkest point of winter isn't a great hardship for you—since you'll be home anyway, wrapped in a fluffy quilt and clutching a mug of hot cocoa while leafing through an old book. But you may find yourself reluctant to reemerge when the sun returns, she notes.
"On winter solstice night, Uranus, the planet of rebellion, is in Taurus, so it will get you thinking of doing things differently next year," Honigman tells mindbodygreen, adding, "Since the planet is in retrograde until the end of January, you won't be moved to take action beyond that, but keep that notepad handy because they're good ideas."
Gemini: You'll make important career connections
According to Honigman, a free spirit such as yourself, Gemini, is not very strongly affected by the solstice. You're open-minded and accepting, so to you, it's always the winter solstice somewhere, she explains.
Nevertheless, come solstice night, it will be a warm and exciting time for you. For one thing, your ruling planet, Mercury, will be in Sagittarius, a sign of adventure and expansiveness, Honigman notes. "While you're out and about just looking for a nice time and some peace away from all the festivities, you'll get chatting to a person who can introduce you to a whole new career brimming with abundance," she tells mindbodygreen, adding, "Your sparkly personality will impress a well-connected person of influence."
Cancer: Begin planning for 2025 & set your goals
The winter solstice itself isn't your most memorable time of year, Cancer, because you're a lunar baby. As Honigman explains, with the Moon as your heavenly ruler, the new moons and full moons are felt most strongly in your life.
The solstices and the equinoxes, meanwhile, are solar. "They're created by the way the sun moves, which doesn't matter as much for your sign," Honigman explains, noting that on solstice day itself, the moon is in neat and tidy Virgo. You might "feel moved to start planning the year ahead, [setting goals], checking your bank balance, and making some big decisions," she says, adding that paying up-front for a course of studies will be one of your solstice resolutions.
Leo: You'll feel focused & successful
Since you're ruled by the sun, Leo, Honigman says you tend to feel the highs and lows of the solar year more than most. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, meaning it's the day with the least amount of sunlight. That's significant for you because, as Honigman explains, the more sunlight you get, the more positively charged you become.
"Solstice day itself is a bit of a low point for this reason, because you could do with more light hours—but immediately following winter solstice, the sun goes into the motivated and ambitious sign of Capricorn," Honigman tells mindbodygreen, adding, "You'll therefore spend the next few days filling in job applications and brainstorming business ideas, feeling focused and successful."
Virgo: Plan some holidays & adventures for 2025
According to Honigman, Virgo, your neat and tidy personality rather enjoys following the changing seasons, checking the clocks to observe the sun setting a little earlier each day, and then a little later once the solstice has passed.
On solstice day, she explains, the moon happens to be in your sign. "When the moon is in Virgo, everyone around you behaves in a slightly more Virgoan way—they message you back, they meet you on time, and if they promised they'd pick you up some shopping on the way, every item is there in the bag," she explains. "For you, the Virgo moon means that you can dream a little. Make plans for the year ahead, but keep them fun and interesting, planning holidays, away days, and adventurous breaks," Honigman suggests.
Libra: You'll put your energy into helping others
Considering you're more of a fan of balance than extremes, Libra, Honigman explains that you favor the equinoxes over the solstices. "Days that are too long are as unpalatable to you as those that are too short," she notes.
And on this winter solstice day, she adds, your ruling planet, Venus, happens to be in humanitarian Aquarius. It will stay there until January 3, causing your focus to drift far away from financial matters and more toward charity. "Your main interest will be those who are less capable, more disadvantaged, and in need of help," Honigman explains, adding, "Your heart will be going out to those who need you most, and you'll rope in your family to start volunteering and helping others."
Scorpio: Seek balance & make peace with old friends
The longest night of the year is right up your alley, Scorpio. As Honigman tells mindbodygreen, you're intense and mysterious, so you have no trouble embracing the darkness. "Your sign is fearless and welcoming of challenges, and once you get through the shortest day, and the sun begins to return, you're also unafraid of the light," she explains.
And for what it's worth, Scorpio has two ruling planets. In ancient astrology, it was Mars, the planet of passion. In modern astrology, your ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation. "On the winter solstice this year, fiery Mars is in fire sign Leo and shape-shifting Pluto is in transformational Aquarius. This means that both the longest day and the shortest night inspire you to seek balance in your life and make peace with old friends you've blocked long ago," Honigman says, adding, "You'll reach out to distant family members and make amends."
Sagittarius: You'll have luck in career and family meetings
The end of your astrological season is marked by the winter solstice every year, Sagittarius. Therefore, Honigman explains, one of the final things that happens before the solar year is over is your birthday. "On the winter solstice itself," she says, "Mercury is still in Sagittarius, which means that communication is on your side."
Whether it's job interviews, family meetings, or even chats with your bank manager—they'll be going your way at this time. "In fact," Honigman adds, "try to take advantage of this lucky Mercury placement and pile up meetings, calls, and contract signings before January 8."
Capricorn: You'll be in the spotlight; be kind!
Welcome to your birthday season, Cap! The winter solstice is at the very start of Capricorn season, so every year, Honigman says, your birthday takes place right after the rebirth of the sun. "On the winter solstice itself, the sun moves into your sign, bestowing increased visibility on you. You're going to be noticed, whatever you do, so you might as well be caught doing good," she adds.
Volunteer to walk the new girl around the office, she suggests, showing her who to avoid, for instance. Or you might accept the thankless task of gathering family contributions for the 2024 matching holiday T-shirts. Your efforts won't go unnoticed!
Aquarius: You'll enjoy matchmaking
As Honigman tells mindbodygreen, Aquarius, you're fascinated by the longest night and shortest day of the year because you love the natural world, its seasonal changes, and all aspects of the shifting world around you. "They make you feel like you're a part of creation, and you enjoy that," she explains.
And speaking of enjoyment—Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign during the winter solstice. "This means that love will find its way to you and that you'll rediscover your love of matchmaking," Honigman notes. But since your matchmaking criteria are based on vibes, not anything the intended couple may have in common, don't be surprised if you get mixed reactions!
Pisces: Reflection and big dreams for the New Year
With your creative and artistic spirit, Pisces, the winter solstice evokes memories of snowy tales that you read as a child, Honigman says. She adds you also connect to the desolate symbolism of the longest night, the darkest day of the year, on a spiritual level. "Your thoughts wander to reflection, and you take that moment to consider what you'd have done differently," she says.
At the stroke of solstice, however, you'll be climbing out of that overthinking funk. "Two planets are in your sign right now: Saturn, the mature planet of karma, and Neptune, the planet of illusion," Honigman tells mindbodygreen, adding, "They inspire you to dream big, and you decide who you want to be by summer. A new job, a new wardrobe, a new partner, anything is possible."
The takeaway
However you choose to spend your solstice, carve out some time for quiet reflection and visualizing the year ahead. No matter your zodiac sign, when we move to the rhythms of the Earth and her seasons, we can all feel that much more connected and in tune.