The Winter Blues Hit Me Hard This Year — Until I Found Vitamin D3*

At the beginning of winter, I felt not quite like myself. My husband and I had just moved back home to Michigan after two and a half glorious years in the Florida sunshine, and I was finding myself feeling down more than usual. I wasn't sure what was going on until a friend suggested my vitamin D stores may be low, which might contribute to my change in mood.
I was craving sunshine and missing summer
I'm a summer person through and through. I love everything about the sunshine, the warm weather, and the chance to be outside. I feel totally different when the sun goes away—even in the spring and fall when it's not freezing cold yet.
But with all of the changes that the world has gone through over the past couple of years, it felt like it was time for my husband and me to move back to Michigan and be closer to family, even if it meant leaving the warm weather.
In Florida, I was at least getting some vitamin D from the sun—which made the transition to gray Michigan winters feel even more dreary.
I thought I was simply in love with warm weather and not feeling like myself without the sun. I hadn't even considered my change in mood might have to do with my vitamin D intake—that is, until a friend suggested I take a vitamin D supplement. I thought if I could get that good summertime feeling in the winter with a supplement, it was definitely worth a try!
Discovering the power of vitamin D
Although I was ready to up my vitamin D intake in order to support my mood, I needed to do my own research on how to increase my D levels first.*
I started reading anything I could find about vitamin D and quickly learned that even if I spent all the sunny winter days outside, I still wouldn't be getting enough of the sunshine vitamin. I needed to expose my skin to get vitamin D from the sun (and that simply isn't an option in Michigan when there's snow on the ground). And actually, regardless of skin exposure, I would need to live at a lower latitude (than Michigan) for the sun angle to be vitamin-D-production-worthy during the winter months.
Since vitamin D isn't found in many foods (and where it is found, it's a really small amount), supplementation seemed to be the way to go. Thanks to mindbodygreen, I learned that vitamin D3 is a superior form to D2, and fat is crucial to aid absorption.* All the research I did kept leading me back to mindbodygreen's vitamin D3 potency+ for its form, strength, and built-in absorption, so I decided to try it for myself.*
Taking vitamin D3 potency+ is a stress-free experience from start to finish. I love the all-in-one formula because I don't have to worry about taking it at the right time or with the right things—everything I need to absorb my D3 is right in the gelcap.* And with my subscription, I never have to wonder if I remembered to order my next bottle—it just shows up on my doorstep once a month!
As for the effects of taking mbg's vitamin D3 supplement? After a couple of months, I can honestly say I feel great! It's made a massive difference in my overall mood, motivation levels, and emotional well-being.* Simply put, I just feel happier!
I think everyone could benefit from this
Now that I understand how vitamin D directly affects our mood and supports the body's daily D needs, I share my story with everyone I can.*
I encourage my friends who aren't taking vitamin D already to do some research and tell those who already take a D supplement to make sure they're taking it with food and to actually take enough D to help (i.e., turn their bottle around to see what and how much they're really getting each day).
The takeaway
I call vitamin D3 potency+ my sunshine in a bottle. If you're experiencing the winter blues, you should consider a vitamin D3 supplement so you, too, can feel like your summer self year-round!*

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