Hamstrings Feeling Super Tight? 6 Stretches For Happier Hammies + Tips And Warnings

A tight hamstring can elicit a variety of sounds—and none of them are good. From groans, to moans, to all-out “Owww’s,” needless to say hamstring tightness is pretty painful.
But aside from a wince-inducing sensation, what exactly is hamstring tightness? And more importantly, what can you do about it? Here, we take a look at this common phenomenon that can affect pretty much everyone—from runners to HIIT enthusiasts to yoga devotees and even folks who aren’t all that active. We’ll explain what’s going on in your body when you experience hamstring tightness and give six simple stretches you can do to feel better ASAP.
Read on and get ready for happier hammies.
What causes hamstring tightness?
Let’s start with a quick anatomy lesson: Your hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run along the backside of your legs, attaching at the top of your hip and just below your knee.
When you work your hamstrings to the point of fatigue, your body can register it as tightness, even though your muscle isn’t literally tight. Muscles also like movement, so when they're stationary for too long, they can express that immobility as tightness, explains Ryan Balmes, PT, DPT, board-certified clinical specialist in orthopedics and sports physical therapy.
Now onto the good news: While this tightness can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful sensation, there are simple stretches you can do to alleviate it in the short-term. Let’s get into it.
6 hamstring stretches.
You can do any of these stretches at really any point during the work day. Say your hammies are starting to hurt after a morning spent seated at your desk—taking a few minutes to stop and stretch can help you tackle the rest of your day feeling a little more comfortable.
In terms of when to do these stretches, post-workout is a great time, says Balmes. You could also do the dynamic stretches (stretches that involve moving) before your workout as part of a warmup, as these types of stretches can potentially boost performance and decrease risk of injury, says Balmes. On the other hand, static stretches (stretches where you simply get into a position and hold), are a good idea post-workout, says Balmes.
There’s no blanket recommendation of how often you should stretch your hamstrings, but if you’re looking for that tightness relief, a good rule of thumb is to simply stretch ‘em when then feel tight.
You don’t need any equipment to complete these moves—just a chair and an object to rest your hand against for support (like a wall or a fence, for example). Let's get into it.
3-dimensional hamstring stretch
This simple move allows you to three-dimensionally stretch your hamstrings, says Balmes. As you rotate your hip side to side, you’ll stretch both the inside and outside of your hamstring.

- Sit in a chair and extend your right leg straight out in front of you with your heel on the ground, toes pointed up.
- Learn forward and reach your right hand down towards your right foot; stop when you feel a light stretch.
- From here, keep your right heel on the ground as you rotate your hip left to right. Your entire leg will turn with each rotation.
- Continue for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat for 30 seconds on your left leg.
Leg swings
This move, says Balmes, dynamically stretches the hamstrings, making it a good option before a workout.

- Stand alongside a wall, fence, or other object that you can rest your hand on for support.
- Place your right hand on the wall or supporting object and then, keeping your left leg fixed on the ground, swing your right leg forward and then backwards. As you perform the swings, keep both legs slightly bent; don’t lock your knees. One forward swing to one backward swing is one rep.
- Do 10 reps on your right leg and then switch and do 10 reps on your left leg.
Dynamic hip stretch
This dynamic move, also from Balmes, both stretches the hamstrings at the hip attachment and lengthens the muscle.

- Lie on your back, bend your hip to 90 degrees, and raise your right thigh up so that it’s perpendicular to the floor. Keep your right knee bent and your left leg extended on the ground.
- Clasp both hands behind your right thigh. This is the starting position.
- From here, try gently and slowly extending your leg so that your toes are pointed straight up. Then, bend your right knee to gently and slowly reverse the movement back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times and then switch sides for 10 reps on your left leg.
- Tip: For a deeper stretch, pull your extended knee closer in towards your chest.
Standing hamstring stretch
This move, from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, will statically stretch your hamstrings.

- Start in a standing position and straighten your right leg out in front of your body with the foot flexed.
- Bend your left knee knee and lean back slightly. Your pelvis should be tilted forward.
- Keep your upper body upright as you hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch sides and repeat for another 10 to 20 seconds.
- You should feel the stretch on the back of your right leg, from your calf up to your thigh.
Forward bend
This move, a modified version from Mayo Clinic, will statically stretch your hamstrings.

- Stand tall with your legs together. Inhale and raise your arms above your head alongside your ears. Exhale and bend forward from your hips, leading with your chest.
- Your arms and upper body should form a straight line. Keep exhaling. Bend forward, and if you can, grab your ankles or calves (though don’t push your body to a point that’s painful).
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Breathe slowly and deeply. Then inhale and slowly lift up, keeping your arms and head hanging until you're standing.
This move is pretty simple, but it will statically stretch your hamstrings.

- Sit with your legs together and extended straight out in front of your body.
- Bend your knees as much as needed to make a forward lean possible, then lean forward until you feel some resistance (though not pain) in the back of your legs, gently holding your hands around your calves, ankles, or feet.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
Tips and warnings.
If you feel pain, it’s best to back off.
Stretching can provide that sweet short-term pain relief. But it is possible to overdo it. As you stretch, you’ll likely experience tension, but you shouldn’t feel pain.
If you stretch your hamstrings too regularly-slash-intensely, the muscle group could lose its ability to contract efficiently, says Balmes. That means stretching could actually decrease your muscle’s ability to produce force. And too much stretching—if coupled with not enough strength training—could potentially lead to injury. That’s because you could end up having too much mobility and not enough strength to properly control your motion in certain scenarios.
That said, you’d have to stretch pretty frequently and vigorously to get to this point, says Balmes—like, almost every single day for a considerable chunk of time while also forgoing any other form of training—so it’s probably not something most folks should worry about. But still, it’s a good reminder that it is possible to go overboard with stretching.
Make sure your hamstring tightness isn't masking a separate issue.
It’s also important to make sure your run-of-the-mill “hamstring tightness” isn’t masking any sciatic nerve pain. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that passes in between the hamstrings, and sometimes when it’s affected (say, the nerve gets pinched, or you have a herniated disc), that discomfort may register as hamstring pain, even though it’s actually a separate issue, says Balmes.
The average person isn’t able to distinguish between sciatica (sciatic nerve pain) and non sciatica-related hamstring tightness, he explains, and that can be problematic if someone with sciatica tries to stretch their hamstring. Why? Well, unlike muscles, nerves do not like to be stretched, says Balmes, which means that stretching when you have sciatica can actually worsen the condition. So if your hamstring feels tight and stretching it seems to be causing more pain, you should stop stretching and instead visit a physical therapist who can help you appropriately treat the issue, says Balmes.
On that note, if you feel like your pain is getting worse with stretching—or if you have chronic tightness in your hamstrings that lasts for three months or more—you should def go see a physical therapist, says Balmes. You may be dealing with a more complex situation that warrants a professional’s input.
The bottom line.
Hamstring tightness can be caused by a few different factors, and in most cases, simple stretches can bring sweet relief in the short-term. But if your hamstrings feel worse after stretching or this muscle group feels chronically tight for months on end, it may be time to visit a medical professional. After all, “oof” and “oww” shouldn’t be part of your daily vocabulary.