
The art of acrobatics and yoga have been around for a very long time. These practices have so much to teach humans about trust, surrender, clear communication, focus and most importantly, the art of play. Today, there are many acro-inspired styles of movement which led my husband and I to create ACROVINYASA yoga.
This style takes yoga from earth to air. Uniting elements of vinyasa, inversion training, and acroyoga, this practice cultivates trust and community in a powerful way. The core of ACROVINYASA is focused on synchronizing breath in movement, building strength, and finding balance. We hope to create an entry point into the world of acro with the greatest of ease. There are still challenges to face as one progresses, but if you can start to breath deeper, soften your shoulders and trust that you have the power within you, skills and thrills await you! Here are a few reasons to delve into the world of ACROVINYASA:

1. You can take your practice from earth to air.
Once you've mastered your asanas on your mat, you can transfer them into the air for a whole new spin on staying centered, balanced and calm.

2. This practice is accessible for all.
Anyone can try acrovinyasa and you are guaranteed to have your feet swept off the floor!

3. Acrovinyasa IS a workout.
You will work up a sweat, while getting stronger, more flexible and more balanced.

4. You'll find a supportive community.
Wanna meet like minded people? This is the practice for you! It's impossible to do experience this work without connecting and laughing with your fellow classmates.

5. This practice will enrich the rest of your life.
There are abundant opportunities to communicate and ask for what you need, which is an essential skill that will hopefully transfer into the rest of your life outside of the yoga room.

6. You'll gain a different perspective from being upside down.
In every class, you will get inverted.The benefits of flipping your head above your heart are numerous and hugely beneficial! In every class you will have a chance to develop your proprioceptive awareness and be supported by a friend.
Photos courtesy of @yogabeyond