The One Food Meghan Markle Gave Up For Glowing Skin

Meghan Markle, the newest soon-to-be member of the British royal family, will be the first half-African American, Jewish, divorced woman to join the family. But she also brings another first, with her deep commitment to wellness and nourishing her body. While it remains to be seen whether she'll have everyone at Kensington Palace sipping green smoothies, if her diet—and her new pad's proximity to the high street Whole Foods—is any indication, the young royals should be ready for a wellness makeover.
Her go-to breakfast is a favorite of mbg's experts.
Markle typically starts every day with hot water with lemon, a practice endorsed by mbg registered dietitian Jessica Cording. "Lemon water is helpful for moving things through the digestive tract and also stimulating urination, both of which are important parts of that natural detoxification process," she explains.
She follows that with either chia pudding (a favorite of Dr. Terry Wahls) or steel-cut oats with banana and agave. She has a salad for lunch and swears by a green juice in the afternoon. "It's easy to fall into the trap of rushing for a coffee when you hit that 4 p.m. slump," she told Today. "But if I blend some apple, kale, spinach, lemon, and ginger in my Vitamix in the morning and bring it to work, I always find that sipping on that is a much better boost than a cup of espresso."
Markle does, however, find a healthy balance between eating for her health and her happiness. A zucchini pasta is her go-to dinner, although even that has a healthy twist. She slow cooks the zucchini for four or five hours, until it's completely broken down. "The sauce gets so creamy you'd swear there's tons of butter and oil in it, but it's just zucchini, water, and a little bouillon," she told delish.
The one thing that's made the biggest difference in her diet?
Giving up gluten. She told delish that she notices the biggest difference in her energy and her skin when she cuts it completely from her diet. "It gets such a bad rap," she explained. "However, when I'm traveling, I won't miss an opportunity to try great pasta. I come back from vacation every year with a food baby, and I've named her Comida. I get to the set and I'm like, 'Hey, Comida's here, and she's kicking.'"
According to mbg doctor Evan Hirsch, M.D., gluten can degrade skin health by causing hormone imbalance and inflammation. "It increases inflammation in the body that causes stress on the adrenal glands (and subsequently the thyroid and gonads) and autoimmunity. This leads to dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-hormone axis, a decrease in the production of the hormones from the adrenals, thyroid, and gonads due to the stress, and increased autoimmunity to these glands," he explains.
Want to steal more of Meghan Markle's wellness practices? Here are the 6 rules she always follows.

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