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Is Your Relationship Being Put To The Test? You Can Thank The Stars For That

Sarah Regan
April 05, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Alvin Mahmudov / Unsplash
April 05, 2024
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Feeling irritable? Exes coming out of the woodworks? Picking fights with your partner for seemingly no reason? You're not alone; we can all thank this month's astrological forecast for the palpable tension in the air. But for real, what is going on?

Here, astrologers explain why relationships will be put to the test this month, plus how to help yourself (and your relationships) get through it.

Why are relationships under pressure right now?

As you're likely already aware, we just had a partial lunar eclipse a couple weeks ago—and on April 8, we'll have a total solar eclipse in Aries, in which the moon will pass in front of the sun, casting a shadow over the Earth.

According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, this heavy-handed eclipse portal is directing some serious energy towards our relationships. As she explains, these eclipses are occurring on the Aries-Libra axis, spotlighting the fine line between individual needs and relationship needs.

"This eclipse in particular is really focused on the contrast of taking care of oneself, which is Aries, and how that pertains to our relationships, which is Libra—because Libra is the ruler of our relationship realm," Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding that it's highlighting the relationships that are really serving us and the ones that are not.

With Mercury retrograde also in Aries alongside the sun, moon, and Chiron, we're all feeling Aries' hot-headed energy. Chiron represents the wounded healer in astrology, Quinn explains, noting that wounds relating to our sense of self could be bubbling up right now.

And Mercury retrograde, of course, amps up the likelihood of communication breakdowns and relationship issues even more. As the AstroTwins recently explained in their April horoscope, "Mercury's edge is even sharper [in Aries]. Prickly comments are pointed, technology breakdowns are personal, and our urgent needs keep getting sidelined."

Quinn adds that Mercury retrograde tends to bring back old relationship dynamics for us to review, as well—whether they be karmic lessons that might still need to be resolved, or even exes reappearing after years. "And with Chiron also being in the mix, old wounds from past relationships might be coming up," she says.

What to do about it

If you've felt like your relationships—romantic, friendly, or otherwise—just haven't been clicking the way they normally do, know that it's par for the course under these turbulent skies.

As the twins note, eclipses are notorious for abrupt changes, decisive moves, and forcing our hand. "We may not have time to think, much less process how we feel about these sudden events! Journaling, meditating, or talking things through with a wise adviser can help you make sense of what the cosmos are trying to tell you," they say.

Of course, with Mercury jamming up our mental signals, don't be afraid to pause and reflect, either. Retrograde periods invite us to review, rework, and reinvent what isn't working so we can better move forward, and that's probably your best bet right now.

Don't try to force anything, and don't make any rash decisions. Playing the waiting game until this eclipse portal passes and Mercury retrograde ends on April 25 will help you find more clarity—and avoid doing anything you regret.

You can count on emotions running high, so do what you can to stay grounded and calm your temper when possible.

The takeaway

Even if all this eclipse energy isn't exactly comfortable, it is helping to steer us towards our destiny, including within our relationships. Pay attention and reflect on the lessons you learn this month, just don't make any rash decisions. By the end of April, a major reinvention is possible, so be patient and trust the process.

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