Nail Down Your Ayurvedic Dosha With This Quick Health Quiz

Sahara Rose is an author currently living in Los Angeles, California.

We are all a unique combination of the three doshas, but they show up in different amounts for each of us. Some of us are naturally more airy, while others have more fire, and others carry a more grounded, earthy energy.
To get a sense of your primary dosha, take my dosha quiz, and scroll down for more information about how to interpret your result. And for a comprehensive guide on the best foods, movements, and lifestyle shifts to support your dosha, check out my brand-new mbg class, A Modern Approach to Ayurveda.
What's your dosha?
Vata is cold, dry, and ever-moving, like the fall wind.
Vata types are creative freethinkers who require constant change, and easily becoming bored with the mundane. Ideas circulate through their minds like the autumn leaves, and sometimes it's difficult to organize the tornado in their heads. They're big overthinkers, and when out of balance they are prone to anxiety, eating disorders, and insomnia. Vata types have vivid dreams, with thoughts flowing through their minds between the hours 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., when vata time is highest.
Vatas are cold and dry like the fall leaves. They tend to have dry skin and hair and often feel cold. Their appetite varies like the wind, sometimes strong and other times meek. They love movement and exercise but can easily overwork themselves, becoming fatigued and weak.
Vata types are prone to accumulation of air (bloating and gas) and dryness in the colon (constipation).
Pitta is fiery like the summer heat.
Pitta types are driven hard workers who thrive in a state of competition. They're task-oriented realists who will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Excessive heat accumulation can cause them to become impatient and agitated, though they're generally strong leaders.
Pitta types contain a great deal of heat that needs to be released. You can often see the signs of fire in their body manifesting as red tones in their hair and a flushed face. They become overheated easily and cannot tolerate hot, humid days. They perspire more than the other doshas and are naturally well muscled. They require strenuous exercise to cool down their bodies and can become addicted to exercise. They have more oily skin that is prone to acne.
Pitta types contain a great deal of fire and are able to digest about anything. They often expel superfluous stomach acid, suffering from heartburn and hyperacidity. They do best in routine, and their fire comes out when they've missed a meal!
Kapha is moist, soothing, and cold like the spring.
Kapha types are patient, kind, and loyal. They are humorous good listeners who everyone comes to when they need a rock. However, kapha types tend to suppress their throat chakras and lock in caged emotions, feeling lonely and depressed. They are prone to self-indulgent behaviors and binge-eating, convincing themselves it's a better idea to stay home and start their workout routine on another day. They're slow to initiate change and find comfort in their routines.
Kapha types have cold hands and feet due to malcirculation. However, unlike vata they do not have dry and rough but rather moist and soft skin. Kapha types tend to overeat and are prone to water retention, sluggish metabolism, and weight gain.
Kapha types have a slow metabolism, often feeling sluggish after a meal. They are attracted to rich, creamy foods like dairy and desserts which have similar characteristics to kapha energy, making them feel more heavy.

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