There's A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse This Week — Here's What Your Sign Needs To Know

Not only is this week's new moon a super moon in the sign of Aries, but it's also a partial solar eclipse. Its arrival couldn't feel more intense after an eventful eclipse portal these past two weeks, and with both Mercury and Venus retrograde during this moon, we all might need to brace for impact.
The new moon will be exact on Saturday, March 29, at 6:57 a.m. EDT, but depending on your zodiac sign, of course, we each have something different to expect. Here's what to know for this new moon solar eclipse—and don't forget to check your sun and rising sign.
If you feel like you're stepping into a new version of yourself, Aries, you wouldn't be wrong. Not only is it your birthday season, but with the new moon eclipse landing in your first house of self and identity, you could have a serious breakthrough around your own self-image.
Remember to take things slow, with two inner planets retrograde, but don't be surprised if this eclipse forces you into a new chapter. The main motto for you right now is trust—in yourself, in your path, and in the universe.
New moons are typically about starting fresh, Taurus, but this time around you may still have some things to let go. You're coming up on your birthday season, after all, so this is like one last push to step into your latest evolution. And with the eclipse bringing in realizations and/or unexpected breakthroughs, try to trust what comes up for you at this time (i.e., limiting beliefs or fears).
Remember that Venus, your ruling planet, is retrograde right now as well. It's possible that themes around money, relationships, and pleasure may surface for you, asking you to look closer at how your own subconscious fears may be sabotaging these areas.
If you're feeling as social as you usually are, Gemini, we have good news for you; this new moon eclipse is moving through your 11th house of larger networks and community, giving you a great opportunity to apply your strengths to something meaningful. Whatever you want to offer the world, you're being encouraged to start it (or revamp it!) now.
You might also make new, impactful connections under these moonbeams. The 11th house is a progressive and community-oriented house, associated with Aquarius, and if there's anything Aquarius cares about, it's coming together for a common cause.
How are things looking on the job front, Cancer? If you're ready for something new, you'll be glad to know this new moon eclipse is moving through your 10th house of public image, destiny, and career. Of course, with it being an eclipse and Mercury retrograde, it's perhaps not the best time to completely switch gears at your job, but you're thinking about it.
Whether it's a promotion, more recognition or a wider audience, or even quitting and starting over, you're ready for something to change in your career. The good news is, you're being astrologically encouraged right now, so trust yourself to fly when you leap.
Feeling expansive, Leo? As the Aries new moon solar eclipse moves through your ninth house of travel, expansion, and higher learning, you're feeling the urge to expand your horizons. You could literally travel, or perhaps you go the more figurative route of expanding your mind. The point is, you're looking to feed your soul right now.
The eclipse, of course, could reveal ways in which you're holding yourself back from growth, so pay attention to any internal blocks or fears that come up. When in doubt, remember that if we want something different, we have to be willing to do something different.
This might be an especially tender new moon for you, Virgo, as it lands in your eighth house of transformation, vulnerability, and intimacy. Not to mention, Mercury (your ruling planet) is retrograde, and on the day of the new moon, it's backsliding into your opposite sign of Pisces—aka the relationship sector of your chart.
All of that means you're being encouraged to give more attention to your closest relationships, romantic or otherwise. The eclipse could even reveal ways that you're blocking yourself from intimacy on a deeper level. Here's an opportunity to let your guard down and experience true closeness, so don't miss it!
With the new moon solar eclipse in your opposite sign of Aries, it's landing in your seventh house of partnership, Libra. Naturally, that means your relationships (romantic and/or business) are the focus right now, whether it's a new relationship entirely, or a new dynamic within an existing one.
In any case, be open to new connections right now, and remember that eclipses can bring about unexpected events and breakthroughs. With your ruling planet, Venus, retrograde until April 12, just don't do anything too rash. You're welcome.
When was the last time you really made time for you, Scorpio? Under these Aries moonbeams, which are highlighting your sixth house of self-care and routines, you have full permission to put everything else off and focus on yourself.
This is a great time to look at your daily routines and figure out where you could use something new, whether that's a new workout routine or even making rest a bigger priority. If you've been waiting for the right moment to book yourself something extra nice, like a massage or Reiki, go ahead and do that now.
Feeling creative, Sagittarius? With this new moon eclipse spotlighting your fifth house of passion, creativity, and expression, you might be feeling especially lit up or excited. The fifth house is also related to joy, so the main energy of this moon for you is connecting to joy, whatever that looks like for you—and allowing yourself to share that joy and expression unapologetically.
The best part? When you pour your passion and enthusiasm into something, the universe matches it. Whatever you start under this moon could even have deeper connections to your destiny, so trust those gut instincts that feel like full-body yeses.
With this Aries new moon eclipse making moves through your fourth house of home, roots, and family, you could be feeling sentimental right now, Capricorn. You're feeling inspired to bring some revitalization to your home life in some way, whether that's redecorating or even moving to a new place altogether.
Remember that eclipses often bring about unexpected events and even fate, so it's definitely possible that big shifts could happen at home right now. Whatever the case may be, it's asking for your full attention right now.
With the new moon eclipse in your third house of communication and local networks, Aquarius, you've got the microphone, and it's your turn to say what's on your chest. Of course, just remember that Mercury is retrograde, so watch out for miscommunications and petty disagreements.
Nevertheless, your words will carry more weight now, and what you speak into existence now could have lasting effects. With eclipse energy at play as well, keep your eyes open for unexpected connections or encounters in your local networks.
This new moon eclipse could bring some financial surprises your way, Pisces, as it lands in your second house of money, possessions, and material security. But no need to fear! You're more than capable of handling any changes heading your way.
In fact, it's not impossible that you're rewarded with something like a raise or a sudden windfall around this new moon. And even if not, the main priority under this moon is to do your due diligence to make wise investments that serve your long-term goals.
The takeaway
With the new moon partial solar eclipse in Aries and two inner planets retrograde, we're in for a potentially turbulent weekend. Of course, we can all tap into our inner Aries for the confidence and self-assuredness we need to make it through.