What Your Enneagram Type Can Tell You About Your Money Habits

One of the best tools you can have in your belt when it comes to managing your money is knowing yourself...really well. The majority of the actions we take with our money are spurred by our emotions and our habits. So if you want to change your money game, the first step is really understanding who you are. What are your spending triggers? Are you afraid to spend money, or do you liquidate your bank account the minute that paycheck hits? All of this info is great data that is needed to start to shift your relationship with your moola, and personality tests are a great place to look.
If you are a fan of the Enneagram, you can begin to explore your type to shed some light on your potential money tendencies, both what will come easy to you and areas of your finances where you might need to be more mindful.
Here are some money "gifts" and challenges based on each type.
Type One
Type Ones are gifted at spending in accordance with their beliefs. Because they are driven by their beliefs and really strive to have just the right amount of money, they can easily create healthy boundaries and spend their money in alignment with their values.
Challenge: Type Ones strive to fix and make better. They often have a sense that everything needs improvement. Because of this, they can approach their own relationship with money from a lack position, never being satisfied.
Type Two
Type Twos are optimistic and generous and don't have a lot of fear when it comes to money. Motivated by giving and loving, Twos often focus on being helpful (making food, cleaning) and earning and giving money for comfort and well-being. Twos have the capability of sticking to a budget if they know their deeper why.
Challenge: Because Type Twos lead with their heart, it can be hard for them to set boundaries for themselves for fear of someone feeling bad as a result. This can lead to overspending.
Type Three
Type Threes are motivated by goals and that means money goals too! Driven by achievement and acknowledgment, Threes can use money as a tool to achieve these, which can lead to making more money.
Challenge: Type Threes can have a tendency to spend outside of their means as they are trying to "present" one way. Because they are so driven by achievement, they can often feel like they will never have enough, always striving for the next goal. Their spending can sometimes feel like "winning," as money is a marker of success.
Type Four
Type Fours have the ability to think creatively about how they use their money and make it work for them. This is especially beneficial in challenging situations; Fours can use their creativity to be resourceful and solve money problems.
Challenge: Type Fours want to have a relationship with money so they can express their uniqueness. They care mostly about the ability to express themselves and may be fearful of using a budget or make "responsible" money moves for fear of feeling they will stifle that creativity. Because Fours can be more conceptual, it can be tough to move into action.
Type Five
Type Fives have a deep desire for what they want, but they aren't willing to risk being too vulnerable. That means they often spend within their means! They are great at finding deals and aren't swayed by trends.
Challenge: Because Fives are so aware of their spending, they might actually underspend. Fives can go without wants so long they eventually become needs or desire much more in their savings account than is actually needed because it feels more secure. Communication can be challenging, and they can have a tendency to keep their issues to themselves instead of talking it out.
Type Six
Type Sixes are very thorough and do their research before making purchases. Because Sixes seek security, they can be motivated by money as a way to create that foundation and often are prepared because they have thought through the worst-case scenarios. They enjoy structure, and budgeting can be an easy process for them to master.
Challenge: Type Sixes can be less tolerant of risk, which could lead to making slower decisions when it pertains to money. Because they think of worst-case scenarios, Sixes can sometimes easily operate from a place of lack and feel like they won't have enough.
Type Seven
Type Sevens are incredibly optimistic and can make money doing what they love. This can lead to high earning potential. They enjoy living in the moment and appreciate all that life gives them. They aren't afraid to spend their resources on experiences.
Challenge: Type Sevens can potentially take large risks without thinking through the options. Budgeting can be hard because it will feel too "boxed" in, and Sevens are free spirits. Because of their flexible nature, they can have a tendency to avoid looking at their money and not have a concept of where it is going.
Type Eight
Type Eights are great at asking for what they want and negotiating or calling out mistakes on bills, etc. They are independent and determined, and once they find a budget system that works for them, they can easily stick to it.
Challenge: Type Eights can spend as much as they make. If I want it, I should have it, and they will find a way to get it. They can get stuck in the "all or nothing" mentality. Because they are independent, they can avoid talking about money for fear of being controlled.
Type Nine
Type Nines feel content with what they have and recognize the abundance that is currently around them. Because they want to keep the peace, they can look for ways to ensure money helps them do that and can be quite responsible with their funds.
Challenge: Not speaking up for "more" and settling for what is. It can be tough for Nines to negotiate a raise or ask for a discount, etc., because of the need to keep the peace. When money is good, it can cause a false sense of security and lead to ignoring their finances. Potential to spend outside of boundaries in order to avoid conflict.
The takeaway and additional resources.
To really improve your spending habits, you must truly understand yourself. As with any personality test, use it as a starting point and a catalyst to explore, not box in. The book Money: From Fear to Love Using the Enneagram To Create Wealth, Prosperity, and Love by Margaret H. Smith, Ph.D., is a great place to dive deeper if you are further along on your Enneagram journey. Just tinkering around with the Enneagram and ready to take some action with your money? You can download this guide of money actions and mantras for each type.