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Want To Support Joint Health? Here's What A Nutritional Psychiatrist Recommends

Sarah Regan
May 11, 2023
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Athlete Climbing A Wet Staircase On A Rainy Day
Image by MINAMOTO IMAGES / Stocksy
May 11, 2023

Turmeric is one of the best spices for promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the body—that much you likely already know.* But what you may not know is that turmeric can be difficult to absorb, so if you're taking it as a supplement, you want to make sure you get the best of the best in terms of quality and bioavailability.

With that in mind, here's what a nutritional psychiatrist recommends to her clients to get the best-quality turmeric.

Why a nutritional psychiatrist swears by turmeric ginger+

For nutritional psychiatrist, biologist, and professional chef Uma Naidoo, M.D., getting her daily dose of turmeric is a must.

As she previously wrote in her review of mindbodygreen's turmeric ginger+, "From your brain to your joints, this antioxidant botanical is a daily essential for overall health. In order to take advantage of the full curcuminoid potential of the whole turmeric root matrix, along with complementary herbs ginger and black pepper, I recommend mindbodygreen's turmeric ginger+."*

In this pioneering formula, turmeric ginger+ delivers 500 milligrams of full-spectrum turmeric root, 150 milligrams of full-spectrum ginger root, and 5 milligrams of black pepper fruit (with the additional bio-enhancer piperine).

Not only that, but you're getting Acumin™ full-spectrum turmeric, which offers a clinically proven absorption advantage at five and six times higher bioavailability than liposomal turmeric and turmeric oil, respectively.*

And speaking of research, we should also mention if it's joint health you're after, the science says turmeric is a must-have. As one 2021 analysis published in the journal BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine1 found, numerous studies show that turmeric supplementation can help improve joint comfort and function.

As one happy mindbodygreen customer, Millie E., writes in her review of turmeric ginger+, "For my joints, this is it. Whether it's the antioxidant or [healthy inflammatory response] actions of these botanicals, or both, my joints are a fan of turmeric ginger+. So is my whole body. This mbg supplement is my new daily essential for overall health."*

The takeaway

Joint health plays a big role in our overall mobility and how we feel on a daily basis. Whether you've been feeling stiff lately or just want to take a proactive approach to long-term joint health, we can't recommend turmeric ginger+ enough—and apparently, neither can research and nutrition experts.

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