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What Is Hypersensitive Skin & Do You Have It? Triggers, Remedies & More

Alexandra Engler
February 08, 2025
Alexandra Engler
Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Director
By Alexandra Engler
Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Director
Alexandra Engler is the senior beauty and lifestyle director at mindbodygreen and host of the beauty podcast Clean Beauty School. Previously, she's held beauty roles at Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, SELF, and Cosmopolitan; her byline has appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and
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Image by Studio Firma / Stocksy
February 08, 2025
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Do you identify as having sensitive skin—you know, irritation from skin care products, consistent bouts of inflammation, regular dehydration, and flaky complexion, the works? Well, it's fairly common. In fact, about 60 to 70% of women report having sensitive skin1, according to reports.  

But, like most things with skin, sensitivity is a spectrum. Some people react poorly to potent actives (like retinol or acids), while others can't even tolerate the most bland of plant botanicals.

Some people may react to common allergens, while others have skin that flinches at common ingredients. So, while sensitive skin is pretty regular, you may feel your skin takes it to a new level. Do you, perhaps, have hypersensitive skin? 

Here, let's discuss. 

What is hypersensitive skin?

To begin, hypersensitivity isn't an official diagnosis or dermatological term. It's simply a way to explain skin that's overreactive to a noticeable degree. Those with moderate to severe cases of inflammatory skin conditions, like rosacea or eczema, likely consider their skin hypersensitive—or those with a laundry list of allergies would fall under the category too. 

In general sensitive skin is skin that does not do well with external or internal aggressors. "Sensitive skin is characterized by skin that is not able to tolerate harsh conditions, chemicals, environments, or even diets," explains board-certified dermatologist Purvisha Patel, M.D. Perhaps it seems like a broad-stroke definition, but that's because sensitive and hypersensitive skin is very complex. In fact, the complexities of sensitive skin are so profound that there's really no scientific consensus2 on its true definition. 

The one throughline that ties it all together—and that all derms can agree on—is that those with sensitive skin have a compromised skin barrier. See, the organ's purpose is to act as a shield: "It protects us from mechanical injury, low humidity, cold, heat, sun, wind, chemical exposure, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens," explains board-certified dermatologist Hadley King, M.D., stating that, "a healthy barrier is critical to normal skin function." When that shield is weakened, it isn't as able to perform this role, allowing irritants to penetrate the skin and cause major and chronic disruptions in the form of rashes, inflammation, texture changes, burning, and so on.  

What causes hypersensitive skin?

So while hypersensitivity can be traced back to a compromised barrier, there are a few reasons said barrier can become compromised in the first place: 


The barrier is compromised naturally

Some people just have weaker barrier function—in the same way that some people have naturally oily or acne-prone skin. We all have different types of skin, and that's OK! Most people with an inflammatory skin condition, such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea, have a naturally weakened barrier. In fact, recent research notes that those with eczema may even lack a certain protein in the skin3


Heightened skin immune system

We always say we want our immune systems to be alert, just not too alert. As board-certified dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D., explains to us, when your skin's immune system is on overdrive, it targets otherwise harmless molecules as "threats" and attacks them—sometimes resulting in contact dermatitis (the fancy derm name for an allergic or irritant reaction). This is why people with hypersensitivity complain about not being able to use most beauty products because they are allergic to even the most mild of ingredients—or they can only use products formulated as "hypoallergenic," as it's made without commonly identified allergens. 


Imbalanced microbiome

A balanced, thriving skin microbiome is a wonderful thing. It can help crowd out irritants and pathogens that can wreak havoc on your skin. Well, when your microbiome is unbalanced, the opposite happens: It becomes a target for stressors. Your skin's microbiome can be in a state of unbalance for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to overusing harsh soaps and sulfates and lifestyle factors such as living in a city and not experiencing nature. 


Overexfoliation and sensitization

You can sensitize your skin through aggressive cleaning and exfoliation. Your stratum corneum (the top layer of your epidermis) is made up of dead skin cells. This is a good thing, as they protect the living cells beneath. When the skin cells accumulate too much—causing dullness or clogged pores—we turn to exfoliators. The problem? Many of us do it too much.

"The most important tip is that 'less is more.' You want to exfoliate just enough to increase cell turnover and reveal fresh new skin," says Ife Rodney, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Eternal Dermatology. "But be sure to not scratch or damage your skin by overusing these devices or products." 

What are some signs and symptoms of hypersensitive skin?

Hypersensitivity presents itself differently on everyone, but these are things that you can look for:

  • Itchiness
  • Burning
  • Rashes
  • Redness
  • Breakouts
  • Tight skin
  • Flakes
  • Ashiness

What are the common irritants that trigger symptoms? 

Hypersensitive skin versus sensitive skin

How do you know if you have sensitive skin or hypersensitivities? Well, it's entirely your call. As the difference between the two is a sliding scale, you may go through phases of your life in which you feel your skin reacts to every little thing—while others? You can get away with more. Ultimately there's no test nor identifiable traits that can label you one versus the other. It just comes down to your own experience. 

How can you manage hypersensitive skin?

Managing hypersensitivity looks a lot like managing sensitive skin—just doing more of it: 


Get down to the basics

Keep your skin care routine minimal and simple, avoiding ingredients that are too harsh, are common allergens, strip your skin barrier, and that you know to be triggering for you. Most people with hypersensitive skin do well to avoid any product that is fragranced, too. 


Hydrate and support your barrier

Since a compromised barrier is at the root of what's happening, you should look for barrier-supporting products like ceramides, fatty acids, gentle botanicals, oat extracts, aloe, and biotic ingredients


Support your gut

Since food can be an internal trigger for flare-ups, do your best to avoid inflammatory foods and eat good-for-your gut nutrients. "The skin and the gut are the two largest immune organs of the body," Patel explains, so "changing your diet changes your immune response [and the] sensitivity of your skin."

The takeaway

There's no exact definition or difference between hypersensitive skin and sensitive skin. But those who feel they are "allergic to everything," have skin conditions like rosacea or eczema, or can't tolerate even the most mild of skin care products—can safely assume they fall in the former category.

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