Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Anastasiia Shavshyna / iStock
July 17, 2023
The North and South nodes in astrology relate to our destiny in this lifetime, and our lessons from lives past. And after 18 long months on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, they just moved into Aries and Libra. Here's what that means, according to astrologers, plus how it will impact your sign.
In astrology, the North Node indicates the destiny you're meant to go after in your lifetime, while the South Node reveals the gifts that you bring into this lifetime, according to the AstroTwins.
As they previously wrote for mindbodygreen, the lunar north and south nodes are directly opposite each other in the chart. They aren't actually planets, but rather mathematical points on the chart that fall in two opposite zodiac signs (i.e. if your North Node is in Capricorn, your South Node will be in its opposite sign of Cancer, and so on.)
These nodes change every 18 months, and for people born within that 18-month window, they can feel a generational kindred quality to their fellow north-and-south-node family. "People born within your same lunar node group are like your 'soul tribe.' You were incarnated with them to learn the same lessons," the twins explain.
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And while the nodes definitely do impact your birth chart, we still feel the energetic shift when the nodes change positions over the years, as all of us here on Earth are touched by the subtle change in priorities through the nodes' influence.
What to know about the Aries-Libra axis
The nodes are always in opposite signs, and as of July 17, 2023, they're fresh off the Taurus-Scorpio axis and ready to roll on the Aries-Libra axis until January 2025.
When we think about the opposing natures of the signs, it makes sense that one half (the North Node) is what you're currently working on, and the other half (the South Node) is what you already know. And in this case, the Aries and Libra opposition is all about the self versus relationships.
Over the next 18 months, the twins explain, we'll be assessing whether our relationships support our own personal growth—or if we're focusing too much on trying to make other people happy. "The balance between 'mine' and 'ours' hits a critical tipping point as the lunar nodes shift into Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) until January 11, 2025," the write for mindbodygreen.
As such, they suggest taking inventory of your inner circle and cutting ties with any energy vampires. "But note that the real evolution comes from owning the role you’ve been playing in any lopsided dynamics," they add.
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Generally speaking, Aries is a sign that revels in its individuality and brazen spirit. They have no problem asking for forgiveness instead of permission, and the twins say we could all feel new levels of confidence and leadership inspired by this Aries North Node.
"Simultaneously," they note, "the Libra South Node delivers a scathing review of any unproductive relationship habits, such as people-pleasing, stonewalling, or trauma bonding."
So the name of the game over the next 18 months, then, is to strike that balance between independence and camaraderie. "This important cycle hasn’t come around for nearly two decades," the twins add, "helping us all unlock the fine art of diplomatic negotiation."
How it will impact your sign
We may all notice the shift of these nodes as relationship dynamics and a striving for independence take center stage—but depending on where Aries and Libra fall in your birth chart, the North and South nodes will impact different areas of your life.
For instance, if you're a Cancer rising, Libra likely resides over your 5th house of expression and creativity, while Aries resides over your 11th house of large groups and networking.
Once you know where Aries and Libra are in your chart, here's a rundown of what the houses govern, so you can understand which areas of your life will be impacted by this shift.
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The North Node was in Taurus up until July 17, 2023, when it moved into Aries. It will stay in Aries until January 2025.
What nodes change in astrology 2023?
The north and south nodes are changing from the Taurus-Scorpio axis to the Aries-Libra axis on July 17, 2023.
When did North Node enter Aries?
The North Node entered Aries on July 17, 2023.
The takeaway
It's pretty exciting when a once-every-18-months unfolds before your eyes, and this North and South node shift could feel like the breath of fresh air you've been waiting for.
And no matter your sign, the twins said it best: "As you stretch into Aries’ self-authorized terrain, how can you assert yourself with Libra’s love, grace and dignity? Get ready to learn!"