
A detox is something I do once to twice a year as a means to flush the unavoidable toxins in our world today and to help revitalize my digestive system and energy levels. Although I have a very balanced and nutritious diet throughout the year, I find a detox takes my energy to another level, helps me focus, and makes me sleep like a baby!
The six principles of my 21-day detox program are no sugar and processed food, no gluten, no caffeine, no alcohol, no smoking and drugs, and no red meat or dairy (just for the first 10 days).
Trust me, it's not as hard as you think and the food is so yum you don't even feel like your detoxing. Here's what a day looks like when I'm doing my detox!
5:15 a.m.: Wake up
The first thing I do when waking is have a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water. This helps to boost digestion and is a good alternative to having lemon juice every day which can start to affect the enamel on your teeth.
6 a.m.: Exercise
I like to exercise first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach, purely because this is when I feel I train the best. My exercise alternates each day between running, yoga, or a strength or boxing session at my fitness studio, Linked Training & Nutrition, here in Melbourne
7 a.m.: Walk the dog

This is not only great exercise for my Rottie, Arnie, but it's also a great way to cool down after I've trained. Now that I have a dog, I also realize how much I benefit from him mentally—he brings so much unconditional joy and happiness to my life, it's impossible not to smile when he's around!
7:45 a.m.: Breakfast

I try to pack as much greens into my breakfast as much as I can. Sometimes it's in a smoothie or an omelet, but today it is in my Super Greens Bowl from my detox. This is enjoyed with a cup of Detox Tea, which is provided as part of the program, and I find it really helps to give my digestive organs a boost and clear the system!
This is followed by a quick dry skin brush and shower and then off to work for some emails and client follow ups.
10 a.m.: Snack
I'm usually pretty satisfied from breakfast so I might have a couple of Brazil nuts, but I will always have a large dandelion root tea with a tablespoon Great Lakes gelatin and a dash of coconut milk. I really enjoy the taste of the dandelion root (it took me a little while to get used to at first) and it's great for the liver when detoxing. The gelatin is an easy addition because once dissolved, you wouldn't even know it's in there and I love the benefits it provides for my skin and gut health.
12:30 p.m.: Lunch

Lunch is always a big salad. My aim is to make sure at least half of my meals are vegetables and salad and today I'm having the Detox Green Salad with some poached bone broth chicken (I use a whole chicken to start off my bone broth and then shred off the meat and return the bones to keep simmering). The salad also has some tamari-toasted pumpkin seeds, which are one of my favorite things to add to any meal! I also enjoy another detox tea after lunch to slowly sip on.
The afternoon consists of recipe writing, testing, and photographing. I create meals for my programs but also for cafe menus, cookbooks, and other nutrition websites.
3:30 p.m.: Snack
I'm not always that hungry at this time, as my lunch is very filling; however, I have a small snack anyway so that I'm not starving at dinner time and can keep portions under control. I will have a cup of bone broth and either a handful of nuts, a handful of blueberries, or a piece of fruit with some nut butter.
Or sometimes I'll enjoy a snack from my recipe testing like my Cacao, Coconut & Sweet Potato Muffins (if there's any left after my boyfriend has got to them!).
6:30 p.m.: Dinner

Our dinners alternate between fish, chicken, and either tempeh or tofu with only 1 or 2 nights of red meat. I know, usually most people are creatures of habits but believe it or not, my boyfriend actually complains that we never eat the same meal because I'm always testing and creating new things! I think variety is so important in the diet so I am always looking to fill my plate with different colors each night. Tonight is Harissa Fish with Carrot Hummus and Radish from the program. (One dish I do cook regularly, however, is my famous Macadamia Salmon.)
8 p.m.: Dog Walk + Tea Time

After another short stroll with Arnie, the evening calls for one more Detox Tea (or peppermint or chamomile) and 3 to 4 nights a week I'll have a snack. Usually this is 2 pieces of my homemade dark chocolate or a 90 percent dark chocolate I get from my local farmers market. When detoxing though, it's usually a handful of blueberries or a small hot chocolate made from 1/2 coconut milk, 1/2 water and teaspoon of cacao powder heated in a saucepan. I also have some magnesium powder every night and I rotate with fish oil and a probiotic depending what my body/skin/gut is doing.
10 p.m.: Switch off
Before going to sleep I will either meditate (I love the Headspace app) or read a book (a hard copy book, so I'm not getting the blue light from an iPad or iPhone, and it has to be nonwork related, so that I can switch off for the day).