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10 Health & Wellness Trends To Watch In 2021

mbg editorial
December 14, 2020
mbg editorial
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mbg editorial
The mindbodygreen editorial team worked together on the creation of this article, combining their deep expertise honed by years of reporting on health and well-being. It has been thoroughly researched, written, fact-checked, and reviewed by our editors.
Wellness Trends
Graphic by Sharon Wong / mbg Creative
December 14, 2020

Putting an end to 2020 feels cathartic. This year has put an unprecedented strain on our lives, affecting us in ways big and small—in ways obvious and in ways we likely haven't even started to understand. Yes, 2020 has transformed us. And with the dawn of 2021 visible, we understand that our journey is not done. We still have challenges ahead. We are still learning and growing. 

And when we look at the year ahead in the well-being space, what we see reflects that. We are pushing to make a healthier society—through things like metabolic health or accessibility to fresh, whole foods. We are realizing that when we let nature do what it's supposed to do, we are better for it: from the tiny, microscopic world of our skin microbiome to the planet itself. And we are coming together, to find innovative fixes to systems or mindsets that do not serve us: from unrealistic parenting standards to the way we've under-prioritized mental health.

And all of these things, and more, emerged because of this year. It's been a hard one, but let's do our best to make sure that we are better because of it. 

1. Metabolic health becomes critical when we discuss immunity.

Science has shown us in real time that metabolic health and immune strength aren't just linked: They're critically intertwined. However, 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy—meaning if we want to be healthier as a community, this needs to become one of our utmost priorities. 

Read more about metabolic health for immunity.

Doctors take a look at your health, immunity strength and a person exercising
mbg Creative x VICTOR TORRES x Asia-Pacific Images Studio x Geber86 / Stocksy + iStock

2. Tending to mental health is top of mind.

After a taxing year of pandemic-exacerbated mental health challenges, we know prioritizing emotional well-being is critical. Now, more than ever, we know that mental health care practices should make their way into our regular routines—much like exercise. Consider it mental fitness. 

Read more about mental fitness. 

Yoga, meditation and loneliness all part of Mental Health
mbg creative x MICKY WISWEDEL x Drew Graham / Stocksy + Unsplash

3. Uncovering the new science of our skin microbiome.

We have long known that our skin is home to a diverse collection of microflora. But just how important is it in relation to our skin and overall health? Well, that's where the science and research are simply taking off. These new developments are bringing to light just how vital our skin barrier function is: It's our body's first line of defense, and it's time we start treating it like one. 

Read more about the microbiome and your skin barrier.

Young black woman, skin layers, hydration and cells
mbg creative x MARIJA SAVIC x daseugen / Stocksy + iStock

4. The fight for food security.

In light of the pandemic, nutrition and metabolic health are more important than ever. However, millions of people in the U.S., particularly BIPOC communities, lack access to nutritious food—and the push for food security faced further setbacks amid the year's many challenges. Individuals, companies, and the government will continue the vital work of closing the nutrition-disparity gap. 

Read more about food security amid the pandemic and beyond.   

Food security, fresh produce, meal preparation and a family eating a meal together
mbg Creative x Alberto Bogo x MARC TRAN x IVAN GENER / Stocksy

5. To heal the planet, we put the power back into nature's hands.

At the start of our first wave of quarantine, we watched our environment enjoy a much-needed break. Air quality improved, biodiversity flourished, and natural soundscapes returned. The relief was temporary but its lesson eternal: Thanks to its complex web of microscopic life, nature has the innate capacity to restore itself. Looking forward, we're predicting that the next wave of environmentalism will be about putting more power back into nature's hands.

Read more about the next wave of environmentalism. 

Plant Wall, coral, hands with plants
mbg Creative x Marc Tran x Francesco Ungaro x asbe / Stocksy + iStock + Unsplash

6. Micro-tracking takes over metrics.

In the fitness market, we saw a major uptick in new health micro-tracking features across wearable brands (think pulse oximetry, heart rate variability, skin temperature, glucose monitoring, body composition, and more). With heightened interest in health monitoring, we're predicting this tech boom will only continue to grow in 2021 and beyond. 

Read more about micro-tracking. 

Health gadgets on healthy women
mbg creative x PAFF x metamorworks / Stocksy + iStock

7. How COVID changed child care.

For so long, parents have been trapped on an ever-climbing escalator of parenting standards. But when the world stopped—and parents became teachers, sole caregivers, playmates, and more overnight—priorities transformed in a massive way. Now, it appears many of these changes will define child-rearing going forward. 

Read more about the end of competitive parenting.

Kids, parents, education, community
mbg Creative x Lumina x Jeswin Thomas x BonninoStudio / Stocksy + iStock

8. Science will continue to explore assisted psychedelics.

Indigenous people have been incorporating psychedelic plant medicines into healing and ceremony for generations. More recently, the scientific community started digging into the benefits and risks of psychedelic-assisted therapy, and we expect to see this age-old practice gain new relevance in modern medicine.

Read more about psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Woman in thought, ayahuasca, peruvian woman, magic mushrooms
mbg creative x KAYLA SNELL / Stocksy

9. Medical freedom & the next phase of the pandemic.

With vaccine candidates nearing federal clearance, there's a sliver of hope for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. With that optimism, though, many more challenges remain ahead. What happens if you aren't so sure about getting the vaccine when it is your time in line? We're venturing into COVID's next chapter—where the decision to get vaccinated (or not) will affect our everyday lives. 

Read more about the next phase of the pandemic. 

Medical workers, vaccines, healthy living, covid-19
mbg creative x SANTI NUÑEZ x Addictive Creative x JAVIER DÍEZ x ANI DIMI / Stocksy

10. Why tinned fish is having a surprising comeback.

When we think of eating and consuming sustainably, perhaps canned fish doesn't come to the top of one's mind. It should. People are wising up to the briny delights of smaller tinned fish and seafood like mackerel, clams, mussels, sardines, and anchovies, which is good news for the ocean ecosystem: Chowing down on smaller fish can relieve pressure on larger and more threatened species.

Read more about the sustainable world of canned fish.

Tinned Mackerel, tuna and live fish
mbg creative x Ina Peters x Sebastian Pena x JEFF WASSERMAN / Stocksy + Unsplash
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