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This Week's Horoscope Brings Potential For Arguments—And Budding Romance

The AstroTwins
January 19, 2025
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope 3/24/23
Image by Tamilles Esposito / Pexels
January 19, 2025
Inner sleuths could come out this week under the quarter moon in Scorpio, but this weekend's Venus-Mars trine will smooth things right over. Here's your horoscope.

Tuesday’s Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius could bring secrets to the surface

Once every year, the dazzling sun makes an appointment with stormy Pluto, an event that can feel as intense as a Queen’s Gambit chess match. The Sun reveals while Pluto conceals, which automatically puts them at cross purposes.

As they meet up in communal Aquarius for the first time since the late 1700s, the world stage feels like an improv show. Competitive vibes could amplify to a cutthroat level while alliances emerge in the most unexpected places.

If you don’t have a team that you trust, start taking steps to amend that at once. And even if you do, keep one eyebrow raised at any suggestions that are brought to the collective. What seems like a generous act could be a power play in disguise.

And with a waning quarter moon in Scorpio on Tuesday—try to regulate emotional intensity

How wisely have you invested? From the way you spend your time to the people you share it with, stop and do an audit. Last week’s full moon in Cancer revealed relationships that felt nourishing to your soul. Tuesday’s quarter moon in devoted, discerning Scorpio puts everyone under the microscope.

Heartwarming exchanges don’t tell the whole story—not by a long shot! Dig a little deeper into people’s personal history and don’t be afraid to probe, should the “facts” not seem to line up. This could be a good thing! You could uncover data that helps you make a more informed choice and build a stronger bond of trust.

Mercury tussles with Mars and Uranus on Thursday, causing friction

You know what you want, but as shrewd Mercury in Capricorn opposes combative Mars retrograde in Cancer, your ideas might be diametrically opposed to what other key players have in mind.

There’s no easy way around this. Trying to convince people to follow your “proven methodology” will make you look stubborn and rebellious. At the same time, giving in to other people’s demands can make you feel weak. Accept that you’re going to have to compromise somewhere, and hopefully you can choose your battles.

But when it comes to your solo projects, let your imagination wander off leash because mindful Mercury in Capricorn will also trine mad scientist Uranus in Taurus. With both planets in practical earth signs, you probably won’t stray too far from reality. But nudge yourself a bit further from your comfort zone than usual.

Slide into the DMs of a professional prospect. Put feelers out to see who might want to join you for a crypto conference or self-development seminar. Don’t shy away from the oft-taboo topic of money because these conversations could spawn all sorts of income-generating ideas.

Peace returns with Saturday’s Venus-Mars trine

If you catch yourself doodling someone’s name in a heart, there’s no need to blush. Blame it on today’s flowing trine between the love planets Venus and Mars—the first of three they’ll make this year.

If you want to cop to your crush, you’re in luck. This passionate pair is canoodling in water signs—Venus is in Pisces and Mars is in Cancer—setting the stage for a tender exchange of feelings. But with reactive Mars still retrograde, defenses may be higher than usual, too.

Try not to read into your person’s every twitch and tick. There’s a good chance those bodily responses have nothing to do with you. Coupled? Study your partner’s nuances now and instead of criticizing them, celebrate these unique traits.

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