Mercury Retrograde Is Almost Over—Here's Your Horoscope For The Week Ahead

Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo (9:40PM EDT) calls for a life edit
If it’s time for a life edit, you’re in luck. The make-better vibes come flooding in with Thursday’s new moon in Virgo, the only one of 2023.
Apply a “clean and green” ethos broadly. Set up a new shelving system and fill your house with plants. Get your budget in order and make sure you’re supporting companies with ethics you can stand behind. Feed your body food that has ingredients it can actually use for fuel.
If you’re surrounded by chaos, don’t just contain it—tackle it head-on. Make a thrift store drop, meal plan, do all that laundry, and scrub the baseboards. With innovators Jupiter and Uranus chiming in, make your maintenance plan a “smart” one. Put a system in place and let your devices remind you to keep them up.
Mercury retrograde ends on Friday at 4:21PM EDT
Chronic miscommunication gives way to clarity as messenger Mercury wakes up from its retrograde that began in Virgo on August 23.
After a choppy three weeks, we’ll start seeing eye-to-eye once again. If you’ve been waiting for a clear signal to sign a contract or upgrade your devices, the smoke is clearing now.
With Mercury powering forward through this sensible, savvy earth sign until October 4, you have a few good weeks to bring some order back to your court without retrograde glitches running interference. Cue the sigh of relief!
Innovative ideas stream in right after Mercury turns direct
The confident sun and spontaneous Uranus unite in a harmonious trine, emboldening you to leap into new terrain. If your gut is telling you to take a chance, this is the day to follow it. But do look both ways before you swan-dive into something that you haven’t researched. The combo of these two impulsive planets can tempt you to abandon common sense.
Stuck at a plateau? Mix things up and keep trying different approaches. Under this innovative mashup, your bold and trailblazing attempts could bring a “Eureka!” moment.
Steel your willpower on Sunday when heavenly hedonist Venus and expansive Jupiter clash
Not again! Love planet Venus and generous Jupiter, normally cosmic BFFs, go for one last round on the mat. As they lock into a testy square, they stir up FOMO and a few wandering eyes. But is the grass really greener in another pasture?
You won’t see clearly today. That said, you don’t have to settle for less than you want or deserve. And now that we’ve just wrapped a six-week inventory of Venus retrograde, many of us have clarified what our hearts truly desire. Put this into practice, whether with your current amour or a new prospect.