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Eclipse Season Has Arrived — Here's What You'll Need To Know

The AstroTwins
September 17, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope 3/17/23
Image by Helen Ast / unsplash
September 17, 2024
With a full supermoon in Pisces, a partial lunar eclipse, and Venus moving into seductive Scorpio, this week has plenty in store in the stars. Here's your horoscope.

Eclipse season begins with this Tuesday's full supermoon in Pisces (10:34 p.m. EDT; 25º41')

Let your imagination take the reins! This Tuesday, the year's only Pisces full supermoon illuminates your subconscious and imbues life with a touch of magic. Even more significant? This supermoon is also a partial lunar eclipse, the first eclipse in a series on the Virgo/Pisces axis that will touch down between now and February 2027.

Who needs reality when enchantment beckons? Follow the coincidences and serendipities and see where they lead you. Music, art, poetry, dance—this lunar lift sparks creativity. The muse awaits!

In compassionate Pisces, this eclipse could inspire a healing conversation that builds bridges to forgiveness. Since the full supermoon squares worldly Jupiter and conjuncts spiritual Neptune, its unifying message could span nations and touch people across multiple identities and faiths.

Hold a vision for peace. Today's call for worldwide empathy could lead to unexpected alliances over the coming four weeks.

The Virgo Sun dances with Uranus, Neptune & Pluto between Thursday & Sunday

This Thursday, the confident Sun and spontaneous Uranus unite in a harmonious trine, emboldening you to leap into new terrain. Reached a plateau? Mix things up and keep trying different approaches. Under this innovative mashup, your bold and trailblazing attempts could bring a "Eureka!" moment. If your gut is telling you to take a chance, this is the day to follow it.

But do look both ways before you swan-dive into something that you haven't researched. The combo of these two impulsive planets can tempt you to abandon common sense. With the Sun opposing foggy Neptune on Friday, it's hard to get a clear read on what's ahead.

You may think you're focusing and moving forward, yet all too easily, you'll get distracted or blown off course. Someone with an ulterior motive may not be showing their hand. Since you probably can't draw out the truth, work on what you can control.

Your power will be palpable when the Sun trines Pluto in Capricorn early Sunday, so wield it responsibly! It won't take much to make an impact or to come across as intimidating. Be conscious of how intense you're being.

Want to increase your leverage? Hold back a little instead of being an open book. Mystery will work in your favor as long as you don't slip into full-on secrecy.

 Libra Season begins with the equinox on Sunday, September 22 (8:44 a.m. EDT)

Drop the lone-wolf routine and gear up for a solar-powered month of joint ventures. The Sun kicks off its annual tour of romantic, fair-minded Libra.

In business and pleasure, the name of the game is dynamic duos. Between now and October 22, you'll increase your chances for happiness and success by keeping an open mind to different types of people—not just those who match the items on your checklist. 

Should you belly up to a bargaining table, this diplomatic four-week cycle can help you negotiate an equitable deal. Relationships that you're already a part of could grow more serious. Add an exclusivity clause, put a ring on it, or figure out what the next level of the game is for the two of you!

Venus clashes with Pluto on Sunday, then moves into Scorpio until October 17

Power struggles could pervade your love life early this weekend, as harmonizer Venus clashes with domineering Pluto. Controlling, strong-arming or avoidant behavior will only heap fuel on the fire and deepen the divisive dynamic.

Get to the root of what's really driving this tension. You may find yourself obsessing over a love interest. Hard as it is to stop your brain from fixating (and your fingers from Googling or texting), try to keep things aboveboard.

When Venus shimmies into erotic Scorpio from Sunday until October 17, there's no telling what might transpire! Get in touch with your eroticism through dance, sensual movement, or good old-fashioned sexytime. Dive deep into emotional exploration to move past any blocks. Seduction is an art form while Venus tours Scorpio, even (or especially) if it involves a little kink.

Since this transit plays for keeps, avoid leading people on—or getting tangled up in a pursuer-distancer dynamic. Coupled? Carve out time in your schedule for one-on-ones. The sultriest magic happens behind closed doors now!

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