Your Horoscope For The First Week Of October Just Dropped — Here's What To Know

Take a calculated risk when Mars trines Saturn this Monday, September 30
As speedy Mars and cautious Saturn merge their superpowers, you'll have the gift of timing on your side. There's a fine line between leaping at an opportunity and using the wisdom of discretion. Both planets are in water signs—Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces—signaling that your intuition should also have a loud say in this decision, along with all the facts. Assess the pros and cons, then take a calculated risk.
Need a little time to think about it? Also, on Monday, the confident Sun unites with contemplative Mercury in Libra and gives you confidence in your decisions. It's a good day to ask all your questions and do your research before making a big decision. But don't deliberate for too long, or you could miss an opportunity.
Eclipse season closes out with Wednesday's "ring of fire" solar eclipse in Libra
Partner power! Wednesday's new moon in Libra (2:49 p.m. EDT; 10º04') is also a potent solar eclipse that will refresh and rewire relationships.
Could some part of your work benefit from a collaborator who complements your skill set? With the moon and mindful Mercury making contact, it can help to write down the qualities and capabilities of the person you'd like to attract. Whether that's for a serious relationship or a business alliance, being clear will sharpen your judgment.
This is the second in a pair of solar eclipses in Libra—the sequel to the October 14, 2023, annular solar eclipse. Themes from a year ago could echo today.
Where are you starting to glow around the edges, like this "ring of fire" eclipse? Take note of the progress you've made, especially in Libra-ruled areas such as relationships and diplomacy. Bring out hidden parts of your personality, and share your light!
Love could get serious on Friday as Venus trines Saturn
How serious are you willing to get? As romantic Venus in Scorpio trines mature Saturn in Pisces, love could take a turn away from anything remotely superficial.
Single? Don't rule out a slightly older prospect or a stable person you might have previously written off as "boring." For couples, it's a great day to talk about the future and make concrete plans for some fall activities you can enjoy as a duo.
Choose your battles on Sunday with the Mercury-Mars square
That's not fair! Circumstances feel unjust today, but choose your battles. You could get sucked into fighting for something that's not worth it. A noble cause, on the other hand, is deserving of your finest efforts.
To prevent scattering your energy, dial down the unhealthy competition. Be careful about getting pulled into rivalries, and limit your exposure to people who are all about bickering, backstabbing, and throwing others under the bus.