This Week Brings The Start Of Scorpio Season & A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse—Here's Your Horoscope

Money, power, sex: Scorpio season begins on Monday!
Power is the name of the game for the next four weeks as the Sun slinks into magnetically seductive Scorpio. During this resourceful time, there’s strength in numbers, so consider teaming up on a joint venture, passive-income opportunity, or co-op venture.
Where could you pool what’s “yours” and what’s “theirs” for a mutually beneficial win-win? That could be anything from a group investment to sharing babysitting to work-carpooling.
Ingenious Scorpio also helps increase your bottom line by exposing where you’re spending inefficiently. Reduce waste, trim needless costs…and watch the profits multiply! Scorpio rules transformation, so be mindful of what you focus on. Energy flows where your attention goes, and now your manifesting powers are dialed way up.
Don’t be surprised to get a text from a person you were “just thinking about.” And if that happens to be a more provocative “ping” than usual, don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Eclipse season wraps with Saturday’s partial lunar (full moon) eclipse in Taurus (4:24PM EDT)
Over and out! Today is the third and final lunar eclipse in fiscally fit Taurus, the sign of money, material security and hard work. This eclipse series, which began rippling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis on November 19, 2021, has been radically revamping the economy and our personal financial habits for the past two years.
No need for extreme austerity, though. Sensible but sensual Taurus loves luxury (this sign is ruled by pleasure goddess Venus). The key is making sure you’ve got enough resources to cover the basics while enjoying those earthly delights.
Over the next few days, an exciting moneymaking opportunity might show up. You could rethink your job satisfaction or have an epiphany about achieving a better work/life balance. As Taurus rules our daily routines, this lunar eclipse gives a big push to finally replace a bad habit with a life-affirming practice.
Instead of focusing on some impossible goal (e.g., “I’m cutting out sugar, carbs and dairy!”), aim for a sustainable shift that fits with your lifestyle—enough of a change to make an impact but not so gargantuan that you give up before it gains traction.
Mars and Mercury oppose Jupiter on Sunday, churning up extra intensity
Since Mars and Mercury are in secretive Scorpio, you might not even see an offensive intention coming your way. Stay on guard for passive-aggressive behavior, a warning that something bigger may be brewing.
Normally, Jupiter in Taurus would favor a candid conversation to clear the air, but approaching the “enemy” directly right now could inflame the situation. Be watchful and strategic—and keep classified information in the vault.