Scorpio Season Kicks Off This Week & Things Are Getting Spooky

The Libra Sun squares Pluto, then heads into Scorpio this Tuesday, October 22
If it seems like someone is being cagey or subtly snarky, maybe they are. But don’t make assumptions! Watch and wait before you go to the mat.
If you’re not sure how to respond, don’t lash out publicly with a strong opinion. Pull the person aside for a private chat if necessary. And before you unleash, make sure they have a few minutes to talk.
Scorpio season begins Tuesday evening—ooh la la
When the sun soars into Scorpio at 6:15 p.m. EDT, it’s all about power, sex, and money until November 21! For the next four weeks, el Sol will be sauntering through this seductive, intimate, magnetic sign, and twosomes will be fearsome.
Consider joining forces on a co-op venture, passive income opportunity, or joint endeavor. How can you blend your resources with someone else’s for an incredible win-win? It might be as potent as a shared investment or as personal as carpooling to work.
Penetrating Scorpio can help you get to the bottom of where you’re accruing debt. Cut needless costs and reduce waste, and you’ll soon see the profit margins multiplying.
Scorpio rules transformation, so notice what you’re focusing on. Energy flows where attention goes, and your ability to manifest is peaking during this psychically charged solar circuit.
Don’t be too surprised if a person texts out of the blue mere moments after they crossed your mind. And if their message happens to be NSFW during this ultra-erotic season, the next move is up to you!
Be mindful of dramatic tendencies with Thursday’s quarter moon in Leo
“A little extra” may turn out to be just right today when the modulating quarter moon in Leo brightens up the "blah" bits of life. If you feel like you’re on automatic pilot or you’re settling for the bare minimum, refresh the page with a glamorous glow-up.
Live out loud! But there’s no need to shout. Stop short of OTT territory and think fancy-dress party, not costume ball. Leo fashion icon Coco Chanel is often credited with advising women to look in the mirror before leaving the house and removing one item. As in “less is more.”
But not when it comes to cardio! Leo rules the heart, so if you’re feeling sluggish, get yours pumping with a challenging workout.