This Week's Horoscope Brings A Supermoon In Aries + Venus In Sagittarius

Monday’s planets bring ego trips & mood swings—brace yourself!
Can you stay in bed a little longer? The week starts off with a rash Sun-Mars square, which might send egos blazing out of control, particularly among your inner circle.
Jealousy or competitiveness could disrupt harmony in a close relationship. If you're organizing a social gathering, leave that loose cannon off the guest list. Antics that might normally amuse everyone are more likely to irritate and even provoke a fight.
Adding to the friction, peaceful Venus gets into a clash with erratic Uranus, bringing mood swings left and right. Strong emotions might erupt like molten lava under this explosive and unpredictable face-off. Try not to interact with someone who’s behaving like a ticking time bomb.
Feeling the urge for more freedom? You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s totally possible to create more space in a relationship without calling the whole thing off.
Peace returns to the kingdom with Tuesday’s Venus-Neptune trine
Romance reigns on Tuesday, as these two enchanting planets unite in sensitive and sensual water signs. Compassion and creativity are also off the charts, making it a beautiful day to start a project as a duo or to listen generously to each other’s POV.
Under these healing skies, you can repair a rift. But use caution, as you may get a little too wrapped up in trying to solve someone’s problems. This cosmic alignment makes everyone an emotional sponge.
Thursday’s full supermoon in Aries ramps up the competitive vibes again (7:26 a.m. EDT; 24º35’)
Let tongues wag! A wave of flamboyance washes over the world on Thursday thanks to the annual full supermoon in Aries—the fifth and final supermoon of 2024.
Audience appreciation is not the point here; self-expression is. Dare to put yourself out there, unvarnished, fully authentic and 100& amazing—as you define it.
Aries loves to be #1, which could raise the stakes for all the competitive types out there. But careful: With the full supermoon squaring both competitive Mars and power-tripping Pluto, the rivalry could get a bit too rabid. Rather than fighting for headliner status, how about shining a light on other talented souls? That’s the kind of leadership this trailblazing sign can get behind!
Warning: This lunation could unleash a wave of pent-up frustration and rage. Hit the boxing bag, vent to your friends, scream into a karaoke mic...just don't escalate the drama!
Love knows no borders as Venus swings into worldly Sagittarius from Thursday until November 11
Another cue to step out of your comfort zone comes on Thursday when convivial Venus swings out of secretive Scorpio and into fiery Sagittarius.
Broaden your search parameters in the game of love! With the amorous planet in this worldly sign until November 11, you could be attracted to someone quite different from your usual type. Your backgrounds may be wildly divergent, but you might share common interests and philosophies about life.
For couples, this is a great time to book a pre-holiday baecation, sign up for a fun course or venture outside your normal range of activities.