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This Week's Halloween Horoscope Is Packed With Astrological Happenings

The AstroTwins
October 26, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Weekly Horoscope
Graphic by mbg creative x Lupe Rodríguez / Stocksy
October 26, 2024
It's a busy week in the stars between the Scorpio new moon, Mercury moving into Sagittarius, and of course, Sunday's Mars-Pluto opposition. Here's your horoscope.

Monday’s mix of soft and severe transits can be a bit of a head trip

Deep feelings of affection bubble to the surface this Monday, October 28, as passionate Mars in Cancer and intuitive Neptune in Pisces form a tender trine. Schedule quality time with your nearest and dearest. Open up and tell them just how much you treasure their support.

But don’t stop there! Pay it forward and shower them with empowering compliments. Considering a change of zip code? Start house hunting! Under these attractive skies, you could manifest the perfect new place to hang your hat.

When it comes to people who have yet to earn your trust? That’s a different story. Monday’s challenging aspect between love planet Venus (in frisky Sagittarius) and authoritative Saturn (in fantasy-fueled Pisces) may issue a speeding ticket for any connections that are moving faster than perhaps they should.

Slow down and assess: Are you aligned on what you want for the present and the future? Is somebody holding onto a past hurt that’s built up resentment? Deal with any unvoiced issues and make sure your communication is in working order. People aren’t mind readers, no matter how close you are.

Halloween (Thursday) is full of imaginative exchanges, but boundaries can blur

Have glue gun, will travel (to the nearest Halloween soiree or haunted house, that is)! Not everything requires laborious effort to pull off, whether it’s a last-minute costume or a project you want to finish before the candy grabs commence.

Instead of swimming upstream, float with the current. Today, as mental Mercury tunes in to mystical Neptune’s frequency, use the Law of Attraction to your advantage and visualize what you want! Under this flowing mashup, your intuition may be borderline psychic.

Read the reports and check the data, but then follow your gut. That way you’ll get more treats than tricks this Halloween! 

Friday’s Scorpio new moon (8:47AM EDT; 9°35’) reveals promising alliances

Dive into the depths! The year’s only Scorpio new moon opens a new chapter for all of your investments: emotional, spiritual, sexual and financial.

A bond that begins today could develop into a deep soul connection over the next six months. Can this connection go the distance? If it’s got potential for permanence, explore!

In resourceful Scorpio, this new moon turns your attention to shared finances, passive income and property matters. Keep your ears perked, too, as a helpful connection to structured Saturn could bring a heavy-hitter or a solid opportunity into your sphere. Be extra discerning as you filter through offers and opportunities.

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on Saturday—its home for the rest of 2024

Skip the small talk and dive into big ideas! As the messenger planet jets through Sagittarius for a longer-than-usual spell (until January 8), you’ll be able to articulate some of your grandest dreams. But get started now; On November 25, Mercury turns retrograde, backtracking through this visionary sign until December 15.

Corral your crew for some blue-sky brainstorming and big-picture visioning. Hold off on implementing until the second half of December (or early next year) to avoid the confusion and crossed wires of Mercury retrograde.

Caution: Mercury in Sagittarius can be “big talk, little action,” and a few truth bombs could be dropped. If things get uncomfortably candid, don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed joke or witty comeback—or a sincere apology.

Sunday brings two intense oppositions and a Mars move into regal Leo

Two of the most volatile planets—Mars (in emo Cancer) and Pluto (in ambitious Capricorn) are at loggerheads on Sunday, turning a tense situation into a pressure cooker. It will be difficult not to react, especially if your sense of security feels threatened.

Watch for anger and an impulse to seek revenge, which could hurt you more than anyone. If you’ve been harboring resentment, clear the air—but don’t burn a bridge in the process.

Between stress from home and too many intense work demands, it’s a lot to cope with. But are you adding to the angst by piling too much on yourself? If you find yourself on the brink of an emotional meltdown, go out for a walk and call a grounded friend.

But that’s not all! Two other planets are facing off in the skies: Venus in Sagittarius versus Jupiter in Gemini. Under these skies, everything (and everyone) seems tempting and viable—so much so that you can’t make up your mind.

The world has come down with a collective case of “grass is greener” syndrome. Rather than narrow down your choices and suffer from FOMO, have fun exploring a subset of possibilities without committing to just one. As long as you don’t lead anyone on or otherwise break trust, go ahead and enjoy the bounty.

If you’re honest about your intentions, this could be a fun day to flirt with people who aren’t your usual type. Don’t be surprised if sparks fly faster than expected though. Couples could find themselves spinning their wheels over an important topic. Suggestion? Save it for another day.

Later this Sunday, get ready for a huge energetic shift

Assertive Mars blazes into fierce and fiery Leo for an extended eight-week stay, pumping up the amour and the glamour. Ready to see your name in lights? Express yourself boldly and wear your heart on your sleeve.

Pursuing a passion could get you noticed. Saunter into the spotlight and share the magnetic parts of your personality. Heads up: wardrobe, hair, and makeup will be needed during this chic transit.

That said, true charisma can’t be faked. Warmth and contagious enthusiasm will outshine any OOTD. Lead with your heart and accessorize from there.

The only downside? Mars will turn retrograde from December 6 of this year through February 23, 2025 (first in Leo, then Cancer starting January 6). Get your holiday looks together early and work out ahead of time where everyone will spend Christmas.

Take precautions now to minimize friction during the upcoming festive season.

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