This Week Ushers In The Start Of Sagittarius Season—Here's Your Horoscope

The fiery Sun and firecracker Mars blaze into Sagittarius this week
You don’t need to wait until the new year for your ambitious plans to take flight. Start thinking of your most inspired 2024 dreams as both the Sun and passionate Mars blazes into entrepreneurial, wisdom-seeking Sagittarius this week, on Wednesday and Friday respectively.
The surge of optimism and can-do energy has a ripple effect across your whole life. From bucket-list travel plans to an idea for an independent business venture, you’ll suddenly have fuel in your tank to go for it—yes, even though it’s technically holiday season.
Holiday mingling could take you beyond your core crew and inspire you to connect with others outside of your familiar zone. Be welcoming and open to diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Play superconnector for your friends or dip into a new talent pool for potential collaborators.
Sagittarius also encourages transparency and honesty, so if you need to have an air-clearing talk with someone, do it now before you get swept up in all the festivities.
“Anywhere but home” always seems like the ideal destination for Sagittarius season, but we recommend getting your travel in early this year. Mercury will be turning retrograde at the tail end of this solar cycle, starting December 13 (and ending on January 1). That’s a good excuse for a gift-shopping road trip...or a long weekend jaunt, perhaps one that requires a passport!
When it comes to love, you can forge into bold new romantic or sensual terrain for the rest of the year. That could mean giving a chance to someone wildly different from your usual “type” or planning a dream trip with your partner.
If you’re traveling for the holidays, invite your favorite plus-one along—or skip some of the extra family festivities and slip off somewhere for just the two of you. Ringing in the new year on a gorgeous beach or looking at the lights in a far-flung city? That change of scene could do wonders for your connection.
Sober Saturn brings a couple of buzzkills this week too…
But is it all too much too soon? On Thursday, speed-checking Saturn squares the confident Sun, which can bring a temporary crisis of confidence. But it’s important to look at the data too. You might not be able to realistically deliver what you’re promising within the budget and timeline—so better to speak up now. Instead of getting discouraged, go back to the drawing board or tighten up your plans. Consider this (brief) pause a blessing in disguise. You could spot an error or a flaw in your plans just in the nick of time.
Hasty Mars and cautious Saturn square off on Sunday
As these planets face off, it’s like having one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. Don’t overlook red flags or dismiss them as inconsequential.
Though it’s tempting to minimize trouble signs and focus on fun and fantasy, rushing in without due diligence is not advised now. On the flip side, if you’ve got TOO many walls up, you may find a relationship is stalling or hitting a plateau. Push yourself to show a little more emotion or transparency. Real relationships require some risk or they’ll never progress.