It's A Big Week In The Stars As Pluto Makes Its Move Into Aquarius—Here's Your Horoscope

Keep the quiet parts in your head on Monday, November 18
Monday’s faceoff of opinionated Mercury and Jupiter in the know-it all signs of Sagittarius and Gemini could make it hard to get a word in edgewise. It’s like everyone is carrying on their own conversations, and nobody’s hearing anyone else.
Don’t add to the noise! Let other people talk over one another. Your smartest move is to walk away from the cacophony rather than compete for airspace.
And focus on your own imaginative ideas…
Dream it, manifest it! Everyone’s powers of creative visualization are strong under Monday’s imaginative trine between the Scorpio sun and numinous Neptune in Pisces. Picture the outcome you want, then try to experience it fully, as if it were already happening.
This intuitive mashup could provoke deep insights into your purpose. Your heightened sensitivity can make you more empathetic with friends who always want your sage advice, but don't neglect yourself in the process. Save some energy for self-reflection; it might lead to radical transformation.
Pluto embarks on its long tour through Aquarius from Tuesday, November 19 to January 19, 2044
Get ready for a whole new era! Deep-diving Pluto makes a seismic shift this Tuesday, settling into high-minded Aquarius for the unbroken leg of its journey. This twenty-year cycle will bring groundbreaking transformations to Aquarian areas of life, like science, technology, space travel, and the distribution of community resources.
With guarded Pluto here, stranger danger could temporarily intensify, as could the need for greater data security. Get ready for a revolution! Progress is Aquarius’ hallmark and this Pluto cycle will inevitably burn away our resistance to evolving as a species.
The icy dwarf makes lengthy stays in each zodiac sign and these periods indelibly shape history. (Its last run through Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798!) This long, uninterrupted generation-shaping cycle will last until January 19, 2044.
Four weeks of adventure kick off with Sagittarius Season on Thursday, November 21
The sun blazes into worldly, inclusive Sagittarius for a month, encouraging you to move beyond your core crew and engage with others outside of your familiar zone.
Be welcoming and open to diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Play super-connector for your friends or dip into a new talent pool for potential collaborators. Sagittarius also encourages transparency and honesty, so if you need to have an air-clearing talk with someone in your life, do it now before you get swept up in holiday festivities.
The urge to travel may be too insatiable to resist. If you can slip off for a pre-holiday getaway, pack your bags and go. No can do? Plotting out a big adventure (whenever you can take it) is the next best thing.
Friday’s waning quarter moon in Virgo calls for discernment
Look—and look again—before you leap. The quarter moon in responsible, thorough Virgo is by your side to dot those i’s and cross those t’s, nudging you to give that presentation or important email one last glance before sending it off into the world. (Watch your texts and DMs, too!)
Resist the impulse to lean too hard into Virgo’s perfectionist tendencies—and check yourself if you’re putting too much pressure on those around you. Not seeing the results you want? Perhaps it’s time to call in a pro to suit your high standards...or adjust your expectations entirely.