2021's Eclipse Season Starts This Week: What Astrologers Want You To Know

This week, a powerful lunar eclipse and Mercury retrograde will keep things... interesting.
The year's only full moon in Sagittarius blooms on Wednesday, May 26, and this one is extra special.
Not only is it an illuminating lunar eclipse, but it begins spring eclipse season, which also includes the June 10 Gemini solar (new moon) eclipse.
These lunations echo 2020's May-June eclipses on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, driving up themes around global cooperation, truth in media, and cooperative expansion. Normally, a Sagittarius full moon might have us jetting off on spontaneous journeys (or full-on relocations), but with global restrictions still in place, we'll have to find other ways to connect with far-flung friends.
Lunar eclipses are known for revealing what's in the shadows, and this one could shine a light on truths that have been buried in the vault. Last year's Sagittarius lunar eclipse—the first in this pair—blew the lid off racial injustices that have been committed in plain sight for centuries.
True to the fiery spirit of Sagittarius, a global uprising ignited near the first lunar eclipse in this sign last June. Outrage over the senseless murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin forced conversations about systemic racism and white supremacy into the mainstream. While Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges in his 2021 trial, alarming cases of violence against the Asian-American and Pacific-Islander communities have been on the rise.
All around the world, it seems, culture wars are erupting and intensifying under the influence of this eclipse series (June 2020 to January 2022) such as the ongoing fight between Israel and Hamas that has created tragic civilian casualties.
The job of these eclipses is to reveal disparities and bring them into the dialogue. Can we keep on doing better? That's an understatement. The path to racial equity is still harrowing—globally. By the time this eclipse series ends on December 4, 2021, there are sure to be more historical reckonings.
We're all susceptible to overdoing it this Thursday, as nebulous Neptune crashes into a boundary-challenging square with decadent Venus.
These two "escape artists" sure know how to live it up. But setting limits? Not either planet's specialty. Err on the side of pragmatism near Thursday. And if you can't tap common sense, stall on major purchases and binding decisions until you have enough data to inform your choice.
With Venus in variable Gemini and Neptune in unfocused Pisces, you're likely to change your mind at least six more times before settling on the ideal option. (And even then, a wave of buyer's remorse might hit.) On the plus side, Venus in Gemini inspires research, which can help you discover what else is out there...including a potentially better option than the one you were settling for. Spiritual Neptune supports intuition. If you're feeling stuck, find a quiet place for a little Thursday meditation. Bring your journal and let your feelings flow across the page.
And if you still haven't made up your mind by Saturday, consider putting things off until June 22. The reason? For the second time in 2021, a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde is going down.
This one's a double whammy, backing up through already indecisive Gemini, one of the two signs (along with Virgo) the planet rules. Good luck making any sort of binding decision during this three-week spell. Just when you think you've nailed a solution, more information emerges from the ether. Opinions fly freely whenever Mercury's in Gemini, but while in reverse, they could lead you down an endless (and frustrating!) rabbit hole. More than ever, it's essential to check the source of any "news" that floods your feed.
On the plus side, Mercury retrograde can bring happy reunions—and in Gemini, the sign of peer relationships, a much-awaited chance to reconnect to friends you haven't seen since before the pandemic. If you keep plans simple, a destination hangout may bring the perfect excuse for a road trip. Keep a spare and jack in the trunk for safety measures, and make sure you have all the details needed, like the door code for your vacation rental, proper check-in (and out) times, and best driving routes.
With the messenger planet highlighting "re" activities, tap Gemini's media savvy and review, revisit, or revive a project that involves writing or broadcasting. DIY divas and creative makers should also reconnect to their craft. Treat this three-week cycle like an intensive retreat. By June 22, you could have a draft of a screenplay to shop around—or wares to sell at a summer flea market.