Buckle Up Becuase This Week's Horoscope Is One For The Books — Here's What To Know

The Sun syncs up with Mercury retrograde in Aries this Monday, March 24
Can you verify that data? The Aries Sun links up with Mercury retrograde, shining a light on inconsistencies and flawed thinking.
If you plan to challenge anyone's assertions, bring the receipts, proof, timelines, and screenshots—whatever it takes to make it an open-and-shut case. Without ample evidence, you could set yourself up for backlash.
If you're sharing ideas, solicit the floor for questions. Allow people to voice any objections, and if you can't address them immediately, don't attempt to fudge it. Better to say, "Let me get back to you on that" than risk getting a reputation as an unreliable source of info.
Venus retrograde retreats into romanticizing Pisces on Thursday
What are your relationship do's and don'ts? When retrograde Venus slides back from assertive Aries into boundary-challenged Pisces, you might need to tape them to your mirror as a firm, daily reminder.
Between now and April 12, old, counterproductive habits, such as making sacrifices to "earn" love or ignoring a date's glaring red flags, could creep back in. Even in healthy relationships, it's important to know where your limits lie so you can avoid poisoning the vibe with resentment.
If the walls around your heart resemble the gates of King's Landing, this retrograde could be your cue to soften a little. At the very least, begin to process unresolved emotions so you can find closure.
Now, for the good news: Where Venus slogged through an unhappy detriment (weakened position) in Aries, the love planet absolutely thrives in Pisces, which is its exalted place in the zodiac.
Even while retrograde, a Venus-in-Pisces cycle elicits empathy among partners and rekindles soul connections. With the right person, you might practically be reading each other's minds now.
Black Moon Lilith finds sexual liberation in Scorpio from Thursday until December 20
Passion, power, erotic liberation! Get ready to plunge into an explicit (and potentially NSFW) exploration of your sexuality as (the "mean") Black Moon Lilith moves out of justice-oriented Libra and into Scorpio's seductive cauldron.
Lilith is not a planet but a point in the sky—a void between the Earth and moon that astrologers associate with the scorned, then empowered feminine aspect of our personalities.
This nine-month transit sparks new conversations around sexual liberation and intimacy, encouraging society to break down stigmas and own the full spectrum of our emotions.
Since Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, Lilith could evoke a rage-fueled uprising against restrictive laws around abortion, IVF, and other reproductive rights.
Saturday's new supermoon in Aries is also a partial solar eclipse
Wipe the slate clean! Today's new supermoon in Aries (6:58 a.m. EDT; 9°00), the only one in 2025, is no ordinary fresh start. It's also a supermoon and a partial solar eclipse, pouring rocket fuel into your tanks and charging up your ventures with unexpected momentum.
That's not all! This new supermoon sits at a friendly angle to expansive Jupiter and powerhouse Pluto. Efforts you initiate today could send you soaring onto the global stage and attract VIP-level support.
Even though Mercury and Venus are retrograde, you may have to leap into a groundbreaking project with both feet. (Just be sure to set up a safety net.) Get ready for rapid developments and surprising twists along the way, some that may propel you to leave parts of your former self behind.
Over the next six months leading up to the Aries full moon, ask yourself: How can I transform my passions into tangible outcomes? This is a rare opportunity to harness this fiery energy and shape your future. Make it count!
Mercury retrograde joins back-spinning Venus in Pisces on Saturday
Mercury retrograde slips back from in-your-face Aries to elusive Pisces, throwing interactions into deeper confusion until April 7. Take nothing at face value for the next 10 days, not even people's expressions of delight or approval.
No matter how much you want situations to work out, you can't force them now. One thing spiritual Pisces understands is that "what's meant to be will be." In the meantime, observe what's going on inside of you.
How do you deal with waiting for an answer: Are you anxious? Do you start making up disempowering stories about what people are thinking? Do you want to quit and move on rather than face the possibility of "rejection"?
Let all feelings arise without interacting with them. They are not wrong or right; they simply "are." There is true power in being able to hold the space of the unknown. In that mystical, in-between state, miraculous solutions can arise. Just plan on taking a lot of long, slow deep breaths.
Fantasy agent Neptune sails into Aries on Sunday — its first visit here since 1875!
Paradigm shift! Fantasy agent Neptune is switching signs, leaving its home sign of Pisces for the first time since April 4, 2011.
From plant medicine ceremonies to astrology and manifestation practices to the lightning-fast transfer of data, the past 14 years have melted our boundaries between the visible and invisible universe. What on earth could be next?
Buckle up as the boundary-dissolving planet takes a wild hoverboard ride through pioneering Aries for the next seven months—a preview of a longer tour that picks back up again from January 26, 2026, to March 23, 2039.
This is a huge deal! To put a finer point on it, the last time Neptune trekked through Aries was from 1861 to 1875, a time that brought a newly industrialized economy (hello, city life) and the U.S. Civil War. Neptune is the planet of compassion while Aries is on a nonstop combat mission.
We may all have to toughen up and develop some grit to make it through this tenuous transition.