Your Weekly Horoscope: Here's Why Wednesday Is Such A Big Day For Love

There are lots of exciting astrological happenings this week. Here, the AstroTwins break 'em all down:
On Tuesday, June 2, romantic Venus hits some turbulence with her cosmic co-pilot Mars as the two planets assemble into a complicated square (90-degree angle).
Venus is retrograding through dualistic Gemini, making us fickle and finicky. Then...bam! Mars barrels into the picture in boundary-challenged Pisces, demanding that we loosen things up even more and go with the flow. This is certainly not a moment for making any binding decisions. But trying to lay all our cards on the table? That could be a disaster early this week since we won't exactly have the gift of clarity or veracity on our sides. Lovers' quarrels can go from simmer to boil with Venus in Gemini playing vengeful mind games while Mars in Pisces tries to people-please or cover up anything that might kill the fairy-tale vibes. If we manage to retrain ourselves, this should all blow over in a few days. Have your fantasies—whether they involve two lovers or something more erotic—but don't go acting on every (or any) impulse without clarity around your desired direction.
Wednesday, June 3, marks a major day for love.
The Sun and Venus retrograde land at the same degree of Gemini, making an "inferior conjunction," an event that happens only every 584 days, midway through each Venus retrograde. Much like a new moon, this cosmic coupling can be thought of as a Venus rebirth (or a "new Venus"), a moment when everything goes dark in the sky and we have a completely blank canvas upon which to map our dreams. You may even want to ritualize this.
How about setting up a love altar, complete with photos of your dream romantic scenario or favorite moments with your S.O.? Surround it with crystals, pull a card from your favorite divination deck, and let it bathe in the sunbeams of the brightest window in your home. Or, if you've been hanging on to a toxic situation, scrawl that righteously rage-filled letter to the infuriating heartbreaker, then burn it ceremoniously instead of dropping it into the mailbox.
This week, Venus is invisible in the skies, after completing her phase as an "evening star" (visible in the sky near sundown). Next week, Venus will appear again as a "morning star," revealing her bright magic just before sunrise. Using this metaphorically, what would you like to put to bed when it comes to love? And, uh, who might you finally want to lure INTO your bed? Think it over—and write it down before Wednesday—so your vision of love can rise strong and clear next week.
The year's only full moon in Sagittarius blooms on Friday, and this one is extra special.
Not only is it an illuminating lunar eclipse, but it's also the very first eclipse in a series that will be striking the Sagittarius-Gemini axis for the coming two years, driving up themes around global cooperation, truth in media, and cooperative expansion. Normally, a Sagittarius full moon might have us jetting off on spontaneous journeys (or full-on relocations), but with 2020's restrictions, we'll have to find other ways to connect with our people around the globe. Lunar eclipses are known for revealing what's in the shadows, and this one could shine a light on truths that have been buried in the vault. Are those conspiracy theories swirling around REALLY fake news? Some eye-opening revelations lie ahead.