This Week's Horoscope Features A Leo New Moon & More

Guard your personal space as Venus squares Uranus this week
Too. Much. Togetherness! You might feel like bolting for freedom today as liberated Uranus butts heads with romantic Venus, forming an exact 90-degree square on Friday, August 2.
Your autonomy should not be the price of entry for partnership, so talk through a solution. If a certain person is smothering you, take a day or two for yourself. Rash moves are likely to be regrettable. And if you’ve been biting your tongue a bit too much lately, vow to speak and act more authentically,!
Single? Break out of a rut by doing something wildly different from your usual routines. Mix it up.
Sunday’s Leo new moon sets the stage for playtime and adventure (7:13AM EDT; 12°34’)
Pump up the passion! The annual Leo new moon brings a fresh start to your creative and romantic endeavors.
Where have you stopped voicing your feelings or sharing your ideas as openly as you could? Let these moonbeams loosen your tongue. Speak up when you have something to contribute to the conversation—and ask questions when you want to know more. Do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts.
Is your work-to-play ratio skewed too heavily toward responsibilities? Commit to having more fun, even if you’re busy. Taking breaks to relax your mind and enjoy downtime with friends will ramp up your productivity.
Love gets sweet and simple as Venus heads into Virgo from Sunday through August 29
Trade your coffee and cocktails for matcha and mocktails. Decadent Venus leaves hedonistic Leo for healthy Virgo, and suddenly self-care is sexy.
Give your love life a healthy makeunder and reboot the routines that restore your glow. It’s an ideal time to adopt a regimen you look forward to, from dance class to kickboxing. Then revel in the post-workout endorphins.
Pro tip: Virgo’s love language is performing acts of service. Lavish your partner with extra TLC and support their dreams by pulling a little extra weight when they have to log extra hours.
Single? With Venus in verbal Virgo, connect over conversation—this deep and discerning sign encourages you to flaunt your intelligence!