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A New Year Has Officially Begun & It's Off To A Bumpy Start—Here's Your Horoscope

The AstroTwins
January 05, 2025
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Woman wrapped in a checkered blanket sits on her porch - Weekly Horoscope
Image by Olga Murzaeva. x mbg creative / Stocksy
January 05, 2025
If you thought 2025 would start off easy, think again! With retrogrades galore and the North and South nodes moving into new signs, this week should be interesting. Here's your horoscope.

Mars retrograde slips back from Leo into Cancer this Monday, January 6

Shhhh, don’t say the quiet part out loud. Firecracker Mars has been retrograding through ferocious Leo since December 6, 2024, making everyone’s roar a little (or a lot) more intense.

This Monday, January 6, the red planet goes into “silent simmer” mode as it retreats into Cancer for the rest of its backspin until February 23. Sensitivities are heightened and you may feel like you’re wading through a minefield of mixed messages.

Cut stressful people a wide berth and bring awareness to the emotional energy you infuse into a room. Moods are especially contagious now, and it’s easy to get passive-aggressive instead of being direct.

Strong emotions could surge up around family, especially if you’re processing generational trauma or navigating complex dynamics that reared up over the holidays.

If you’re planning to move or renovate, try to wait until Mars is direct in Cancer after February 23. Not an option? Do everything you can to eliminate stress from the process.

 Also on Monday, Mercury squares Neptune, which could muddle communication

Mercury in adventurous Sagittarius is eager to gallop out of the starting gate this Monday, but not so fast! That could spell wasted energy, thanks to a befuddling beam from hazy Neptune, who’s fogging up the picture in Pisces.

What looks like a “next step” could be a wrong turn into quicksand. And with both planets in mutable signs, every option may seem as enticing as the next. Hold off on decision-making and, instead, do some white-boarding, mind mapping, or “wouldn’t it be crazy if...?” visioning.

Ponder all the possibilities from both the left and right hemispheres of your brain. 

Use the waxing quarter moon in Aries to visualize your 2025 ascent

CEO, MVP, Queen of (fill in the blank). As you set your sights on your 2025 goals, today’s quarter moon in competitive Aries brings a burst of excitement to your imagineering process.

Visualize yourself at the top of your game and start thinking about what it will take to get there. Is there something you want to be known for this year? Since this is a moderating quarter moon, don’t set the bar so high that it becomes impossible to reach.

Beware of shiny object syndrome, too. As exciting as the new and trendy option may be, there’s a chance it’s not worth its weight in glitter.

Mercury enters goal-getting Capricorn on Wednesday—time to network!

Strategic socializing is the name of the game as Mercury buzzes through Capricorn, the sign of the mogul, from Wednesday, January 8, until January 27.

Over the next few weeks, go rub shoulders with well-connected people who might help you get ahead. Join mastermind groups and online courses; apply to be part of a club where people with similar aspirations gather.

Got a business idea brewing? Stop the guesswork and seek expert guidance. This can save you costly mistakes and help you map out a path to lasting success.

Speedy Mercury can feel constrained when buzzing through cautious, conservative Capricorn, but don’t put the pedal to the metal. Slowing down will bring results that are worth the wait. 

Global consciousness shift! The lunar nodes enter Pisces & Virgo on Saturday, January 11

Calling all sirens, narwhals, and merfolk! Life on Earth may soon feel like a chapter in your favorite fantasy-lit novel. (And maybe an underwater dive to the lost city of Atlantis.)

For the first time since December 2007, the destiny-driven lunar North Node sets sail on a fantastic voyage through Pisces. The veil will be thin during this 18-month transit, which could bring a global spiritual awakening.

Across the zodiac wheel, the lunar South Node hunkers down in analytical Virgo, bringing common sense into the equation. As magical as the tidal wave of Pisces energy can be, we will need periodic reality checks. In comes the Virgo South Node to remind us that the Wizard of Oz was really just a “man behind the curtain.”

Fittingly, this is a powerful time to tune up both the front end and the back end of your life. Virgo’s systems and routines support the free-flowing enchantment of Pisces. What levers must be pulled in order to achieve the Fish’s elevated state?

Both Virgo and Pisces are associated with healing, which could stretch across all modalities—and both the 3D material plane and 5D ethereal realm—during this 19-month transit. Give your body and your soul some love. 

Mars trines Neptune on Sunday, fueling a tidal wave of feelings

Flashes of feelings will be too strong to ignore today as insistent Mars dances into a powerful water trine with psychic Neptune. Serendipities, coincidences and “signs” are everywhere you turn, practically announcing themselves in bold neon lights.

Conversations could feel so connected that you and the other person keep finishing each other’s sentences. Don’t dismiss these directives from the universe, but don’t take them at face value, either. Since Mars is retrograde, emotional biases may cloud your ability to view your findings objectively. Follow up with a fact-check before you continue to pursue any intriguing leads.

Couples could find the perfect balance of lust and trust, as compassionate Neptune softens the red planet’s raw intensity.

Single? A sultry person with a strong spiritual side will be more appealing than the sparkly unicorn with sheer animal magnetism.

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