We're Ringing In 2024 With A Venus-Saturn Square — But At Least Mercury Retrograde Is Over

Ease into the new year with a Virgo moon and Venus-Saturn square
Cheers to a grounded 2024! The new year begins on a sensible but sensual note as the Virgo moon sends a convivial beam to the Capricorn sun.
This anchoring earth trine helps you set clearly defined resolutions. With these high-achieving signs at the helm, your goals could be ambitious for the coming year. Raise the bar to a height that inspires you to elevate yourself—but don't set it so high that you have to work overtime.
When it comes to amore, 2024 begins with a speed check. If you've been cruising along in your love life thinking everything's awesome, a challenging aspect between love planet Venus (in adventurous Sagittarius) and authoritative Saturn (in fantasy-fueled Pisces) could pierce your optimistic bubble.
Take off the rose-colored glasses and look at things through a focused lens. This cosmic clash also puts the kibosh on any unrealistic relationship plans. Slow down and assess: Are you aligned on what you want for the present and the future? Is somebody holding on to a past hurt that's fostering resentment?
Deal with any unvoiced issues and make sure your communication is in working order. People aren't mind readers, no matter how close you are.
Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius late NYD
Your grand visions and 2024 resolutions may have stalled at the starting gate with Mercury retrograde in supersizer Sagittarius since December 23.
As the communication planet corrects course at 10:08 p.m. EST on January 1, those lofty ideas pick up momentum. Did you hurt someone's feelings with a blunt remark or too much brutal honesty over the holidays? Reach out to resolve things now.
Maintain a balanced perspective with Wednesday's waning quarter moon in Libra
Have you been putting off an important discussion or shying away from conflict? It's time to take a stand. Wednesday's waning quarter moon in Libra steps in to play diplomat, helping you keep a level head as you wade into uncharted waters.
Take the high road and resist the urge to retaliate, even if you're feeling wounded or attacked. If the facts are on your side, you can clear your name—but a better approach would be to maturely admit where you were wrong and offer a sincere apology. Today's the day to say "I'm sorry" if the error is on you.
Goal! Go-getter Mars bounds into ambitious Capricorn from Thursday till February 13
How strong is your need to succeed? You're about to find out as goal-getter Mars leaps into ambitious Capricorn and brings out your desire to do, be, and have the best.
Mars is "exalted" here, making this one of the most powerful positions of the zodiac wheel. Harness the red planet's might and rise through the ranks.
To grab the brass ring, you'll need to bring laser focus and serious grit, but there's more to it than just working hard. The endorsement of prestigious people may be your golden ticket. Find a way to rub elbows with the influencers and gatekeepers in your industry—even if you have to start at the bottom to get your foot in the door.
Already in the VIP lounge? Make a point of supporting others who are just starting out. What goes around really does come around.