The First Week Of February 2024 Features A New Supermoon & More, Astrologers Say

Messenger Mercury buzzes into Aquarius for three weeks this Monday, February 5
Get your social profiles up to snuff and tap into the hive mind for advice. Be generous with your own contributions and connections between now and February 23.
If you can introduce two people that would work well together or host a gathering where synergies spark, everyone (including you) benefits. While Aquarius is more of a platonic sign than a romantic one, the bonds of friendship could plant the seeds for great collaborations all the same.
Mercury is also connecting to calculating Pluto in Aquarius today. If you’ve been hoping for an opportunity to scrap Plan A and do some innovative thinking, make your move. Your savvy ideas could land you in the winner’s circle. Don’t be afraid to show the decision makers your trailblazing style. Dare to be original and pitch a concept that is well-researched but wildly different than everyone else’s.
A friend or colleague could confide a shocking secret today. Keep it in the vault, no matter how tempted you feel to tell “just one person.” Silence, like a true friend, is golden.
Relationships could get a shakeup from chaotic Uranus on Wednesday and Thursday
Love is not meant to be static or stagnant, but rather, an evolving experience. Breathing new life into your relationship—or your approach to partnership—could actually bring more stability to this union.
Dating or looking? Tech-savvy Uranus may turn up a surprising online match. For couples, doing something boldly off-script can put the passion back into your playbook.
Keep your wits about you on Thursday, February 8. Tempers can easily boil over today, and rash moves will only worsen the situation. The Aquarius Sun is at loggerheads with volatile Uranus in Taurus, a twice-a-year clash that can amplify egos and power struggles.
People will be quick to react without thinking. With both the Sun and Uranus in stubborn fixed signs, they’ll also be likely to dig in their heels and double down on a “my way or the highway” attitude. Be part of the solution rather than the problem, please!
Enter the Dragon! Friday’s Aquarius new supermoon (5:59PM EST; 20º41’) is also Lunar NYE
On Friday, February 9, the annual new supermoon in Aquarius also kicks off Lunar New Year’s Eve. Farewell fluffy bunnies, the Year of the Water Rabbit ends tonight as embrace the fierce but structured Wood Dragon cycle for the next 12 months.
The Dragon is unique in that it’s the only non-animal in the Chinese zodiac. Similarly, Aquarius is the “unicorn” of the zodiac signs that dares to be different. With this double dose of originality kicking up, take a sharp departure from the tried-and-true and let your eclectic ideas roam free.
However, make sure that you also respect other people’s rights to their opinions and beliefs. With the new moon at a tense 90-degree square to disruptive Uranus, everything from political debates to clashing agendas could flare up if you don’t.